Sports infrastructure in muddle

We have no dearth of sports and athletic talent in our State but we have the dearth of dedication to exploration and promotion of talent. “Catch them young” is the basic principle of developing cadres of sportsmen and women. However, that is only the first step. Developing and promoting the culture of sports in a society is a big enterprise to be executed on scientific lines.
The youth in our State also evince keen interest in sports and would like that our country produces athletes and sports persons who can win laurel for the nation in international competitions.  Of late Union Government has been paying attention to the development of sports culture in the country. It offers financial assistance to the states to plan the development of sports along scientific lines. Inter-state, intra-state and national level sports meets are meant to throw up the talent.  Our State is also part of this process and we are hopeful about healthy growth of sports culture provided favourable conditions are created.
Talking about creating of favourable conditions, we are reminded that the urge and dedication needed to achieve the objective of creating cadres of sports and athletic fraternity are not forthcoming. It dampens the spirit of the youth. Take the example of 7 crore rupees Multi Disciplinary Indoor Sports Complex at Jammu scheduled to be made functional way back in 2013 is still incomplete and non-functional after a lapse of five years. This is a typical example of insensitivity and irresponsibility on the part of authorities who were entrusted with the responsibility of delivering the complex. They have failed to deliver in time and the reason for the failure is that the State Government has not been able to release an amount of Rs 1.50 crore as its share of expenditure  while the Union Sports Ministry made its share of 5.50 crore rupees available to the State Sports Council soon after the project was sanctioned. How will the youth trust the claims of State leadership that it is deeply interested in promoting sports as well as sports infrastructure in the State when the State Government is not able to contribute even a small amount of Rs. 1.5 crore as its share of expenditure for Multi Disciplinary Indoor Sports Complex at Jammu for five long years?
What is more disheartening in this case is that a very thoughtful plan encompassing large variety of indoor games and contemplated along modern state of art lines that would have been a source of inspiration to our youth is allowed to  degenerate. This is callousness towards the youth of our State and a disservice to the nation. The original plan of the indoor complex is drawn in a way that aspirants from all the districts of Jammu Division would have been attracted to receive training in it. They stand deprived for no fault of theirs. In this context, one and all, have expressed dismay over the insensitivity of State authorities. The youth we contacted believed that unless the Chief Minister and the Youth Welfare Minister paid an official visit to the incomplete complex spread over an area of 9 kanals of land, resumption of work on the structure may not happen. It is strange that the Minister-in-charge of Sports has not had the time of visiting this prestigious indoor stadium so far.
Now without lamenting for the loss of five years, let the Minister in charge of Sports find first opportunity of visiting the complex and arrange release of funds to ensure that work on the construction is resumed and brought to completion within shortest possible time. If it is true that the Government believes youth need to be provided opportunities of expressing their talent and urges so as to draw them away from indulging in anti-social activities, then projects like the one under discussion should be brought to completion without delay.