Spring cleanse… your gut

Ramanjeet Kaur
Ayo re ritu basant, ayo re……Yellow
the colour of vigour, brilliance of
nature and the vibrancy of life,
new bloom, light, energy and

After dull grey days of the winter; spring is at our doorsteps, the natural world is preparing for impending season of rebirth.Humans also need to prepare for upcoming summer season. But How?
Be more active
You may have avoided exercise in winters,now is the time to restart,start with 30 minutes of exercise every day.Avoid lifts and accelerators,climb the stairs.Walk in the sun to rejuvenate your body and get the additional bonus of it,admire the nature around you,great easy,inexpensive way to destress yourself. Enjoy the nice cool breeze.
Wear proper clothing and shoes for walk/exercise. (Any exercise to be done under the guidance of professionals, seek their advice).
Get the medical tests done
Get the required investigations done before starting any exercise.
What are you eating
Our requirements are different in spring than they were in winters.
In Ayurveda spring season is considered good for brain and beauty. Spring is the time to re energise your self.
Eat wholegrains, antioxidant rich , fermented foods. In some cultures of India there is a tradition of eating, Baasi or Stale food in the beginning of spring;the reason behind observing this practice is to introducing the body to probiotic and pathogenic microbes through the food.
(The food is kept at room temperature overnight). The probiotic bacteria help strengthen the immunity and boost gut flora, while the inclusion with pathogenic bacteria in small numbers prepare the immune system for seasonal illness. According to ayurveda our kapha increases during winter, spring is the perfect time to balance your Kapha , so include bitter fruits and vegetables like, Fenugreek greens (Methi ke patte), bitter gourd (karela) kachnaar ke phool, Dandelion (Dudhi, Baran, dudal, Dudh- batthal,singhpharni ), Suva greens and seeds (dill leaves), rosemary ,parsley, Turmeric, Turmeric root, green coriander greens, mint, ajwain, lettuce(salad patta), broccoli,curry leaves (curry patta), ginger cumin seeds in your diet to improve gut health.But how much bitter is better…..For good digestion eat bitters 15 minutes (one small helping or ¼ tsp in the form of seeds) before a full meal,or eating bitter herbs three to four times a week.
But too much of good also comes with its unpleasant effects, as dryness of mouth, bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea.
If suffering from acid reflux,stomach ulcers and other digestive related issues, consult the concerned professionals before incorporating the bitters in your diet. Incorporate local forgotten, humble herbs and vegetables and fruits.
What you are drinking
Yes,weather has changed but not completely, drink warm water.Increase your water intake as most of us tend to have low water intake in winters.Relish home made healthy soups/broths.Do you find these boring, Ah,No! they are not boring,bland or tasteless.
(The author is Clinical Dietician)