Spring Skin Care

Shahnaz Husain
With spring bringing a mix of warmer winds and sunnier days, it becomes necessary to go through a bit of a beauty overhaul by switching to  lighter makeup, hair, and nail colors.  Since in spring, people prefer spending more time outdoors, a healthy skin   care regime becomes a must by   taking beauty revamp.
The skin gets prone to sun burns and other ailments in spring season as air  remains  still dry as in winters . The care of our skin begins with understanding the changes it goes through each season.
All of us want to look good, no matter what the season. Coping with the skin is a daily affair, needing an awareness of its needs and a little knowledge about the kind of treatment it deserves to look its best. By the end of the winter months, you may find that your skin has become rough and flaky. Or, you may find that your skin is highly sensitive, with rough red patches. This means that the skin has become dehydrated. As the cold decreases, continue to give your skin moisturizing treatments.
If the skin is very dry, with rough reddish patches, avoid applying soap. Instead, use a cleanser morning and night. Apart from daily cleansing, give the skin some nourishment. As a home remedy, you can try applying a little sesame seed (til) oil and pat the skin with a hot moist towel. Or, you one can apply a little milk, with a few drops of honey, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with water. These treatments are especially good for normal to dry skins.
If you have an oily skin, add one teaspoon pure glycerin to 50 ml rose water. Put it in a bottle and shake well. Apply this on the face. You will find that glycerin and rose water provide enough moisture to the skin. You can also apply honey on an oily skin. Honey is a powerful natural moisturiser and also softens the skin. You can apply honey daily on the face and wash it off after 15 minutes. This will help to remove the effects of winter on the skin.
The coming of spring often brings problems for people with allergies, including skin problems like itchy, rashy or inflamed skin. Pollutants and pollen in the air may be responsible. Among the organs of the body, the skin is one of the first to bear the brunt of potent skin irritants, which lead to problems like skin-sensitivity, rash, irritative or allergic reactions, eruptions, etc.
Cosmetics that are “cover creams” can be helpful.   A sandalwood protective cream is very useful to protect and soothe the skin, in rashy and eruptive conditions. It forms a transparent, protective cover.
Sandalwood, in fact, is an ideal ingredient for such conditions. Sandalwood paste can easily be applied on the skin to soothe inflammatory conditions. It also helps to relieve itching. However, if there is excessive itching, it is best to consult a doctor.
Sandalwood is extremely versatile and suits all skin types. It is a powerful antispetic and increases the skin’s moisture retention ability too.
Another important ingredient for such eruptive conditions is Tulsi or basil. Tulsi has so many medicinal uses that it has been traditionally venerated and worshipped. Modern research has revealed that it helps to purify the air, apart from its soothing and curative actions on the skin. That is why Tulsi was grown in the courtyard, so that it was never far away. As far as the skin is concerned, it has germicidal and antiseptic properties and also helps to soothe rashy and eruptive conditions.
Neem and Mint (pudina) leaves can also be used for such conditions.
Here are some home remedies:
Sandalwood paste can be applied on the eruptive conditions. Or, mix sandalwood with a little rose water and apply on the entire area. Wash off with plain water after 20 to 30 minutes.
Sandalwood essential oil can also be used. Add 2 to 3 DROPS sandalwood essential oil to 50 ml rose water and apply on the area.
Or, add 2 drops of Tea Tree Oil to two tablespoons of water or rose water. Apply this on rashy and eruptive conditions.
Apple cider vinegar helps to relieve itching. It also has antiseptic and antifungal properties, which are useful for sunburn and dandruff. A few drops can be dabbed on the area with itching, using cotton wool.  For itchy skin, add one tablespoon vinegar to a mug of water and pour it on the affected body area. It helps to relieve skin itching. If you cannot get apple cider vinegar, you can apply the vinegar that is used for cooking, making pickles etc.
Simmer a handful of neem leaves on a very low fire in 4 cups of water for one hour. Leave it overnight. Next morning, strain the water and make a paste of the leaves. Apply it on inflamed and rashy areas. The water can be used for rinsing the area. Neem contains organic sulphur compounds, with versatile healing actions that are of particular benefit to the skin.
Add a little turmeric paste to milk and apply on rashy areas.
Clays like fuller’s earth (multani mitti) have a cooling and soothing effect. Mix one tablespoon Fuller’s Earth with rose water. Apply the paste on affected areas and wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes. Bicarbonate of soda relieves itching. Add it to multani mitti and rose water to make a pack. Apply on itchy, rashy and eruptive conditions. Wash it off after 10 minutes.