Sri Lankan Prez Wickremesinghe effects first Cabinet reshuffle; changes health minister’s portfolio

Colombo, Oct 23: Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday effected the first reshuffle of his Cabinet, changing the portfolios of two ministers, amidst criticism from the opposition that he was planning to postpone elections that are due in the cash-strapped country next year.
Significantly, Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella was moved to the Environment Ministry following weeks of public dissatisfaction with his handling of the ministry.
Rambukwella, 69, survived a motion of no confidence in Parliament moved against him by the opposition to highlight inefficiency, corruption and mismanagement in the ministry’s conduct.
Rambukwella a fortnight back had ordered a police investigation into an Indian company’s alleged supply of a substandard drug. The Indian company had however denied such a supply to a Sri Lankan importer.
The Environment Ministry was held by Wickremesinghe himself when the incumbent came to be disqualified as a member of parliament through a court order.
The health ministry has been now put under Ramesh Pathirana, a doctor in addition to being the Minister of Industries.
Wickremesinghe’s action for a minor reshuffle came as the opposition mounted criticism that he was planning to postpone the major elections due for next year.
However, Wickremesinghe stressed on Sunday that both presidential and Parliamentary elections would be held next year as per the constitutional stipulation. (PTI)