Srinagar beneficiaries demand fast-track verification for PMAY instalments

Suhail Bhat
SRINAGAR, June 20: As the administration in Srinagar began the re-verification of nearly 500 beneficiaries awaiting financial assistance under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)-Urban scheme for the last six months, beneficiaries demanded that their cases be settled on a fast-track basis.
Scores of beneficiaries informed ‘Excelsior’ that they were enduring hardships due to the six-month delay in receiving financial instalments from the authorities. They expressed fears that routine re-verification might extend the waiting period by another 6-7 months, causing despair as they have debts to settle, incurred for constructing their houses in anticipation of receiving the instalments.
“If they possess records, they should scrutinize the already verified records and disburse the instalments. It also raises questions about the previous officials responsible for verification,” said Shakeela Akhter, a single mother from Bemina awaiting her third instalment.
She urged the administration to complete the verification within a couple of weeks, noting that the cases had already been verified by different committees. “I have been waiting for my case for the past year and awaiting three more instalments. I have completed all the formalities, and my geo-tagging at various stages has already been done,” she added.
Echoing her concerns, Fatima Begum from Zakoora said that she had received three instalments without any issues, with only her final instalment pending. “I have borrowed money from people and have no source of income. I began constructing the house for me and my three daughters only after officials promised assistance, but now it has become a source of frustration. I am left in limbo,” she said.
Beneficiaries noted that other districts were receiving timely instalments, while they faced delays, affecting their plans, particularly with the upcoming Eid celebrations. “Beneficiaries in other districts get instalments on time but in Srinagar we face delays for no reasons,” another beneficiary said.
Earlier, committee members also expressed frustration, stating that repeating the verification process was a futile exercise that not only wasted time but also tested the patience of beneficiaries. “We have many other responsibilities, and repeating the same verifications repeatedly not only wastes our time but also causes delays,” an official said.
Recently, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Bilal Mohidin, conducted a detailed review of the physical and financial status of the PMAY-Urban cases identified and approved in District Srinagar. During the review, it was disclosed that as many as 3,245 PMAY-Urban cases were sanctioned in District Srinagar, out of which 3,100 have been geo-tagged. Additionally, it was revealed that 1,728 cases were at the construction stage, while 1,517 cases have been completed. It was further reported that payments for 852 cases have been disbursed to date.
The Deputy General Manager of the Housing Department told ‘Excelsior’ that the Deputy Commissioner has ordered verification of the construction projects. “He urged the officers to ensure that construction on approved cases is proceeding. He has already issued directions to complete the verification promptly,” he said.
Meanwhile, he said that they have submitted the bills and expect to receive the pending payments soon.