Start registration of pharmacists: GPA to Govt

Government pharmacists posing together after a meeting at Marh Block in Jammu.
Government pharmacists posing together after a meeting at Marh Block in Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 6: Government Pharmacists’ Association (GPA) today stressed upon the Government to start registration of left over pharmacists at the earliest.
The Association is striving hard to fight the Government to get the pharmacists registered with the Government and in this connection, a meeting of pharmacists was held today at Marh Block to mobilize the pharmacists for Jammu Chalo on 15th January.
The meeting was held under the president ship of Sushil Sudan, president Government Pharmacists’ Association. On the occasion, Sushil Sudan said that the Government is unnecessary delaying the registration of pharmacists.
He appealed the administrative department to resolve the issue amicably and start the registration of pharmacists at earliest, otherwise they will be forced to hold a mega rally in Jammu on 15th of January.
Those who spoke on the occasion were Randhir Singh, Ashwani, Yash, Madan and Vishwa Bandu.