StartUp ecosystem, where India stands?


In the present era of competitive world, we cannot afford to work in isolation but in order to infuse  speed, purpose, growth and quality maintenance , it is imperative to find where do we stand globally. The term StartUp until a few years ago may have been a utopian economic idea but on account of the Unicorns and the venture capital showing their vast promise in commerce and economic activities, start-ups have assumed unique importance. That India has been ranked as third in terms of performance of and growth in the number of StartUps at global reckoning is nothing short of a feat amidst the strained economic conditions and high rate inflations afflicting global economies.

These are certain indicators that India is poised to take giant leaps in becoming a production hub in the coming years opening new vistas and opportunities for world players in commerce, investments and market share.  A bit of inflation though in single digit, should not be taken as something disappointing unless political angles to showdown was the aim since high inflation , though within limits, is an inalienable part of the economic journey towards a grand take-off which India going by its size and requirements cannot avoid. Celebrating events like “StartUpUtsavs”  is a grand step towards concentrating on how more could be  done in increasing the number of StartUps to ultimately  becoming big business entities, generating among other things, huge opportunities for employment. There being 105 Unicorns as at present comprising 44 born in 2021 and 19 in 2022 means in days ahead great transformation changes were bound to take place giving a new look to innovation, use of science and latest technology .