Starving LAHDC

Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council came into existence after prolonged agitation by the people in Ladakh against discrimination by the successive Governments. That agitation was essentially because the Ladakhis claimed that justice was not done to them when developmental plans for the State were discussed and passed. With the passage of time, an agitation initially launched for improving economy developed into an agitation for regional autonomy and making Ladakh a centrally administered region. It means that Ladakh did not want to remain the third region of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Again for long time, the Ladakhis continued their agitation for central status. Then a time came when the Government understood the problem of Ladakhis and agreed to constitute Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council which Ladakhis accepted and withdrew their agitation.
We are not going into the history of LAHDC nor do we propose to bring under discussion the powers and rights that were conceded to the LAHDC. The mere fact that the LAHDC was conceded is sufficient proof that discrimination was made and now this would be removed through a new administrative mechanism. However, the ground situation obtaining there does not show that there are clear intentions of redeeming the problems of the people in the region. If the LAHDC is starved of funds needed for implementing development schemes and building infrastructure, the purpose of incepting the Hill Council stands defeated. It is unfortunate that firstly funds are not released thus delaying developmental work in Ladakh and secondly political implications of giving step motherly treatment to the people of Ladakh are not taken into account. We hardly need to remind the Central as well as the State Governments that Ladakh is a border region and we don’t have very healthy relations with our neighbours. The unpredictable neighbours have been behaving very erratically and Chinese Army has often been intruding into our territory under the pretext that border is not well defined. The people of Ladakh have more than once given proof of their patriotism and loyalty to the nation. They have always rendered help to the Indian defense establishment in the hostile climatic conditions of the Himalayan region. Thus their sacrifices and their expectations have to be given due recognition by the nation.
Many nullahs of Leh district become dangerous when these are flooded. They wash away the sparsely developed agricultural lands of the poor peasants thus adding to their poverty and misery. 2015 saw a number of such natural calamities striking Leh. Consequently, the LAHDC Leh drew an Action plan of 1600 crore rupees and submitted it to the proper quarters. Action Plan of Rs 1600 crore was proposed for effecting permanent restoration of public infrastructure damaged during three devastating floods particularly of August 2015. It gave detailed plan of what projects would be undertaken where and what would be the cost estimate. However, there has been no response from any quarter to this plan so far.
LAHDC Leh pursued the plan at so many levels in the State and at the Centre. Its delegates met with almost all who had a stake in the projects. But at every level, it has met with despair. Not to speak of the Action Plan, even the expenditure of 15 crore rupees which the LAHDC Leh has incurred on normal development programmes remains pending.
This is not the way how LAHDC Leh is to be treated. It means driving the people of Leh to defiance and the level of resentment. Driving loyal and patriotic people to the wall is no statesmanship. The deliberate delaying of funds means that the authorities are allowing discrimination to happen in the case of Ladakh. Instead of keeping the LAHDC Leh waiting month after month for sanctioning the funds, it is just in fitness of things to call them and discuss with them and show where changes can be made or should be made in the Action Plan submitted to the Government. That would be a democratic way of resolving issues.
In final analysis we once again implore upon the State and the Central Governments to understand the sensitivity of Ladakh region on the one hand and the loyalty and patriotism of the people of Ladakh on the other and take quick decision in a matter that touches the skin of the people in this Himalayan region.