State Govts failed to develop Billawar: Dr Nirmal Singh

Excelsior Correspondent

BJP candidate for Billawar, Dr Nirmal Singh addressing election meeting in Billawar on Saturday.
BJP candidate for Billawar, Dr Nirmal Singh addressing election meeting in Billawar on Saturday.

JAMMU, Dec 13: Alleging that it is failure of previous Governments in the State, which failed to bring any development in the Billawar constituency as the area still remained one of the most backward constituency in the State, BJP candidate Dr Nirmal Singh asked the people to teach a lesson to the present Government and give a chance to BJP to form its Government in the State.
Addressing to the people during his tour to Cog, Bathli, Garh and Tilla areas in his constituency, Dr Nirmal Singh said from the past six years, the NC-Congress Calition Government failed to fulfill the basic needs of people as the people are facing many hardships and have to run towards other constituencies to get the health facilities.
“The successive Governments in the State failed to pay any attention towards the problems being faced by the people of this constituency”, he said, adding that now the people want to change this trend and want to get rid of such politicians, who misused them after providing them only false promises.
Dr Singh added that the people now want the development of this constituency and have decided to vote for BJP, so that the constituency which lacked behind the other constituencies may become a developed State.