Statehood for Jammu

Apropos of the article titled “Why statehood for Jammu region” by JKNPP Chairman Harsh Dev Singh (DE Dt. Oct 4, 2019) wherein the learned author had invited comments /response of the leaders at the end of the said article itself.
As alleged by the learned scribe about the step motherly treatment meted out to Dogras in general and Jammu region in particularly by successive union as well as State Govts. I would like to remind him of a Urdu couplet ‘Hamein Tau Apnon Ne Loota Gairon Main Kahaan Dum Tha Hamari Kashti Thee Dubi Wahan Jahan Pani Kam Tha (we were robbed by none, but by our own men that’s why tasks that looked so inncuous in nature became herculean to us).
The whole leadership in Kashmir valley irrespective of their political ideologies are on the same page after the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A as they feel that revocation of these articles by the Union Govt have robbed them of their distinct/unique identity. While the people of Ladakh are rejoicing and celebrating as they feel nullification of these devisive articles have paved a way forward for Ladakhi people to carve an enviable niche for themselves and their region. However, the self proclaimed champions of Dogra rights till the abrogation of articles 370 and 35-A had been ranting for decades together that these articles were got incorporated by Late S M Abdullah in collusion with Late Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru in the Indian Constitution through Presidential order with an ulterior motive of politically enslaving the Dogras for eternity. Surprisingly the day these articles were abrogated from the Indian Constitution they started calling with different tones and tenor as a result they had to be kept under preventive custody or detention alongwith rest of the valleys leadership. Isn’t it a joke, while being in power neither the self styled champions of Dogra rights nor the progeny of the Late Maharaja Hari Singh had even asked for notifying Sept 23 as a public holiday are so insistent to get it done immediately not without any fail.
Today we have a PM who has not only liberated us from the jaws of divisive articles like 370 and 35-A, which no other Government had ever tried to tinker with but also isolated Pak globally viz a viz. withdrawal of Special status to J&K.So far as the allocation of resources and opportunities to the newly soon to be carved UT of J&K are concerned that can be settled through negotiation and peaceful means and methods.
Last but not the least there is no harm in demanding seperate statehood for Jammu region through conciliation and negotiation and not through violence and rebellion or by inciting public sentiments based on linguistic parochial or regional bias. “Yes, A statehood sans confrontation”.
Sanjiv Magotra
W No. 62, Laxmipuram
Chinore, Bantalab, Jammu