State’s power needs

State’s power needs

Power is one area that worries the Government and the people of our state. Despite many power projects completed or under completion in the State, power deficit remains the bane. The State has profiled its power needs and projects in the meeting of the state power ministers with the Planning Commission in New Delhi recently. The highlights of State’s power projects are as this: (a) alternate transmission line from Jammu to Srinagar via Mughal Road link. It will relieve the valley of power woes in case of default in the existing transmission line (b) generation of 1320 Mega Watts of power through Thermal Power Generation Plan for the cities of Jammu and Srinagar. Secretary to the Union Ministry of Coal has assured to consider State’s request for supply of coal for undertaking this project, (c) generation of 450 Mega Watts of power through solar energy in Leh. Only 50 to 60 MW will be consumed by Ladakh and the rest will go to other parts of the State. These seem sound projects and will certainly improve the present power position of the State. There was no specific mention of increasing power production in the annual plan discussions with the Planning Commission. However the gap has been filled and adequately by the plans projected in the meeting of Power Ministers of the States. This brings a ray of hope to the much power starved areas of our hilly state.