Steps afoot to usher UT into new era of progress, prosperity: Advisor Khan

Advisor Farooq Khan inspecting Republic Day parade at Srinagar.
Advisor Farooq Khan inspecting Republic Day parade at Srinagar.

Republic Day celebrated with enthusiasm across Kashmir valley

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Jan 27: In connection with the celebration of 71ST Republic-Day, functions were held across Kashmir Division with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor.
The main function was held at SK Cricket Stadium Sonwar in Srinagar where Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan unfurled National Flag and took salute at the march past presented by contingents of JK Police, JKAP, ITBP, BSF, CRPF, Fire & Emergency Services, Forest Protection Force, NCC cadets and students.
Among others, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan, Inspector General of Police, Kashmir, Vijay Kumar, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Dr Shahid Iqbal Chowdhary, other civil and police officers and a large gathering of people attended the function.
Addressing the gathering, Advisor Khan paid rich tributes to Dr B R Ambedkar who gave this country a constitution which guarantees rights to every citizen without discrimination of caste, colour, region or religion and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for country’s sovereignty.
He said introduction of Back to Village program, a unique mechanism to register and address public grievances at people’s door step, witnessed a huge public participation and the officers of the civil administration reached out to every corner of the UT. Under the programme, he said, a number of developmental projects have been taken up, some have been completed while others are nearing completion.
To strengthen the democracy at the grassroot level and to involve people in decision making for developmental process, he said, Panchayat election were conducted across Jammu and Kashmir but the highlight of 2019 was holding of the first ever Block level Development Committee elections.
Hailing Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, for exhibiting keenness in the development and progress of Jammu and Kashmir, the Advisor said the Central Government has taken a slew of measures in this regard.
On the occasion, Advisor Khan lauded the efforts of concerned authorities for timely clearance of snow and restoration of traffic on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway, thus avoiding shortage of essential commodities in the Valley. He praised the efforts of Power Development Department for quick restoration of electricity post November 7 snowfall.
Later, Advisor Khan awarded Basketball player, Ishrat Akhter who represented the country in Thailand recently. Awards were also given to the best cultural performance and best march past.
KULGAM: The main function was held at District Police Lines where District Development Commissioner Showkat Aijaz Bhat, hoisted the National Flag and took salute at the march past presented by the contingents of CRPF, JKP, JKP ladies police group, SSB, Home guard, fresh recruits, NCC cadets and school children.
Cultural programs and martial arts were presented on the occasion.
District Development Commissioner highlighted developmental activities and achievements of district, on the occasion. He said that work on various developmental projects is apace including 25 mega languishing projects will be completed by this March.
SSP Kulgam, Gurinderpaul Singh, ADDC, Riyaz Ahmad Sofi, ADC, Shabir Hussain Bhat, Commandant CRPF 18th BTN, Garau Singh , other civil and police officers besides members of PRI’s and locals participated in the event.
SHOPIAN: The main function was held at District Police Lines (DPL) where Deputy Commissioner Chaudhary Mohammad Yaseen hoisted National Flag and took salute at the march past presented by the contingents of CRPF, JKP, Home Guard, Fire and Emergency Services, Forest Protection Force and school students.
Senior Superintendent of Police, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Senior Officers of Army, CRPF, district & sectoral officers and engineers of all the departments were present on the occasion.
Addressing the gathering, Deputy Commissioner highlighted the importance of the day and also presented a detailed report on developments registered in the district. He said that work on 44 languishing projects coming up at Rs 70.84 crore is in full swing. Besides 95 works are under progress under Back to Village program and 79 road projects under various schemes are in progress at Rs176.11 crore.
A colorful Cultural programs were presented by the students on the occasion.
Later, DC distributed cash prizes and awards among the meritorious students.
BANDIPORA: The main function was held at SK Stadium where Deputy Commissioner Shahbaz Ahmad Mirza unfurled the flag and inspected the parade.
SSP, Bandipora, Rahul Malik, ADC, Bandipora, Zahoor Ahmad Mir, Joint Director, Planning, Imtiyaz Ahmad, officers of civil administration, police, army, besides Panchayat representatives were present on the occasion.
Addressing the gathering, the DC Bandipora highlighted the importance of the day and achievements registered in the district. He said that the Patushai Grid Station will soon be commissioned to end the power crisis in the district.
Besides work on other developmental projects including District Hospital, TRC Saderkoot, Polytechnic College complex, Arin-Bapora bridge and Gujjar and Bakerwal Hostel is apace and will be completed by the end of the year.
Later, the Deputy Commissioner felicitated the meritorious students of 10th and 12th class besides several officers for their exceptional performance.
BUDGAM: The main function was held at Sports Stadium where Deputy Commissioner Tariq Hussain Ganai as chief guest unfurled the National Flag and took salute at march past presented by contingents of JKP, JKAP, CRPF, Home Guards, NCC and school students.
Among others, Principal District and Sessions Judge, Raja Shujaat Ali, SP Budgam, Amod Ashok Nagpure, ADC Budgam, BDC Chairmen, and senior officers of the district attended the function.
Speaking on the occasion, DC Budgam said that Rs 234 crore are expanded on 115 languishing projects, the work on which is in full swing. The district administration has setup a robust grievance redressal mechanism ‘Aawaz-e-Budgam’ where people can register their grievances 24×7.
On the occasion, a cultural program was presented by school children.
BARAMULLA: The day was celebrated at District Police Lines with District Development Commissioner, Dr GN Itoo was the chief guest.
GOC 19 Infantry Division, Major General, JP Singh, DIG North, Suliaman Chowdry, DIG, CRPF, SSP Baramulla, ACR, President, Municipal Council, Baramulla, Civil and Police officers were present on the occasion.
The DDC hoisted the National Flag and took salute at march past presented by the contingents of District Police, CRPF, Fire & Emergency Service, NCC Cadets and school children.
A colorful cultural programme depicting cultural diversity and heritage of the UT was presented by the school children and artists of DIPR.
GANDERBAL: The District Development Commissioner, Hashmat Ali Khan unfurled the National Flag, took the salute at the march-past, at Gadoora Stadium.
The march past was presented by the contingents of JKP, BSF, CRPF, PTS Manigam, Sashtra Seema Bal, JKAP, SPOs, Home Guards and school children.
Addressing the gathering, the DDC highlighted the achievements registered under various sectors in the district including education, sports, health, agriculture and social welfare.
He said that measures are apace to develop Ganderbal as a modal health hub and Rs 34.56 crore have been expended, so far, for the new district hospital building which will be completed by this August. Besides, work is apace on construction of several Health Centers including PHC Chattergul, PHC Batwina, PHC Gund, PHC Wakura, PHC Sonamarg and NTPHC Narayanabagh.
Later, prizes were distributed among best performers and meritorious students of the district.
Principal District and sessions Judge, Ganderbal, Mohammad Yousuf Wani, SSP, Ganderbal, Khalil Ahmad Poswal, President Municipality, Ganderbal, Altaf Ahmad, ADC, Farooq Ahmad Baba, ACR,BDC Chairpersons, Sarpanchs, Panchs, other civil and police officers were present on the occasion.
ANANTNAG: The main function was held at Government Degree College (Boys) Khanabal, where the chief guest, Additional District Development Commissioner, Anantnag, Khawaja Nazir Ahmad Qureshi unfurled the National Flag and took salute at the march past presented by the contingents of CRPF, IRP, JKP, Women Police, J&K Home Guards, District Police Band (DPL), NCC cadets & school children.
On the occasion, the ADDC highlighting the achievements of the district and said that work on 126 languishing projects coming up at Rs.347 crore is nearing completion. He said that during Back to Village phase-1 and phase-2, 5652 demands related to power, road connectivity, establishment of Animal Husbandry, Sheep Centres, fencing of school premises, setting up of health centres and deployment of adequate doctors and para medical staff in the existing hospitals were received.
The function was attended by ADDCs, ACR, SEs of PHE, PDD, R&B other district and sectoral officers.
KUPWARA: The day was celebrated at District Police Lines where chief guest Deputy Commissioner Anshul Garg hoisted the National Flag and took salute at the march past presented by the contingents of JKP, JK Armed Police, CRPF, IRP, FPF and school children.
Among others, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kupwara, Shriram Ambarker; Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC), Mohammad Ashraf Bhat; Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Nazir Ahmad Lone; Assistant Commissioner Revenue (ACR), Bashir Ahmad Bhat, BDC Chairpersons, civil and police officers attended the function.
On the occasion, Deputy Commissioner said Rs.9 crore have been spent under Back to Village Programme and other developmental schemes for construction of basic infrastructure in the district. Besides, for augmentation of the power infrastructure Rs.6 crore has also been expended during the current fiscal.
A colorful cultural program was presented by artists and school children.
Later, DC distributed prizes among district officers, field functionaries and school children for the best performance in their domain of activity.
PULWAMA: The main function was held at District Police Lines during which Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, Dr Raghav Langer unfurled the National Flag and took salute at march past presented by the contingents of Police, CRPF, NCC,JKAP ,Home Guard and School Children.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner highlighted achievements registered under various sectors in the district. He said that mega project AIIMS being constructed in Pulwama, adding Rs 350 crore are being expended for completion of languishing projects to augment developmental infra.
On the occasion Cultural program and martial arts were presented by artists and school children. The highlight of the program was display of departmental tableaux.
SSP Pulwama, Chandan Kohli, ADC, Altaf Ahmad Khan, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Assistant Commissioner Development, BDC Chairmen, other Civil and Police officers were present on the occasion.