Stone Quarrying at Athwajan

Prof. B.L.Kaul
Athwajan stone quarry has been there, I believe for over a hundred years now. At least, I am sure that it existed when I was a child sixty years ago. But then it was outside the city limits and quarrying was done on a small scale. Now Athwajan is very much a part of Srinagar city and a sizeable population lives in the area and around it. Besides a well reputed Public School, Government schools ,offices and a large number of police and para-military forces units exist near the quarry.
The quarry operators start blasting early in the morning disturbing sleep of the people and creating noise pollution. Clouds of dust arise and spread in and around the area polluting all house- holds, offices and institutions. Thick layers of dust cover furniture, clothes, utensils, other household items, roofs and even the trees. The residents of the area just watch helplessly. Then starts another activity namely movement of men and machines. The noise of the machines and vehicles continues throughout the day till late hours. The people of the area watch all this activity like mute spectators.
It is a well known and documented fact that quarrying of all sorts and mining are a great environmental and health hazard (Refer ” Ecodegradation of Himalayas- Causes and Remedies-B.L.Kaul Ed. 1995-Vinod Publishers”).Stone quarrying generates dust particles which may contain radioactive substances. As the dust is carried by wind it enters the human respiratory system during breathing and creates respiratory problems and allergies. In case the dust carries radioactive substances it may cause health problems of very serious nature. I am told that a recent health status study, of the people of Athwajan and surrounding areas by medical professionals have revealed a high incidence of respiratory diseases compared to other parts of Srinagar..
True the stone quarrying activity must be earning revenue to the State besides providing employment to some people at the cost of Public health. Is it worthwhile ? Certainly not. Firstly it is to be understood that nowhere in the country and the world quarrying and mining activity is allowed within city limits. Secondly public health can’t be risked for revenue and employment generation alone. The stone quarrying at Athwajan needs to be stopped immediately. A new stone quarrying location outside the city limits and away from any habitation should be found to meet the requirement of stones for construction purposes. It will also ensure that those employed in stone quarrying don’t lose their jobs and there is no loss of revenue to the State.
(The author is an Environmentalist)