Stop disparity between KAS, KPS cadre: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 8: Urging upon the State Govt to put an end to the disparity between KPS & KAS officers in respect of promotional benefits, the J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president GA Mir today expressed surprise over the step motherly attitude of the Govt towards the KPS officers while showering promotional benefits to the civil officers of KAS recruited through the same competitive examination.
In a statement issued today,  PCC chief said that Govt should address the genuine demand of fixing seniority of young police officers (KPS cadre) paving the way for their promotions they deserve.
He emphasized the Govt to take all care of the promotional benefits of KPS officers also, as that, they have been recruited through same examination, but they were being denied their promotion benefits, many KPS officers, as reported to him,  have decided to opt for other jobs in the backdrop of injustice meted out to them.
Mir said the KPS officers should get the promotional benefits without any disparity, for the fact, they have been recruited through same examination as KAS officers.
“My argument is that while showering promotional benefits to KAS officers, Govt must provide the same benefits to KPS officers to end the disparity, as that will deliver justice to these officers,”  Mir added and urged upon the Govt to treat both (KAS, KPS) cadres  equally while promoting them to higher posts.