Stop Gun Game

Kindly refer Hashim Qurashi’s article  “Stop the disastrous gun game”. The article  makes a fascinating reading and is an eye opener for every citizen of this State. The writer denounces gun culture in the Valley and lucidly explains its futility and terms it senseless exercise of madness, mahyem and destruction. His comments are forthright and exposes Pakistan for sending militants to Kashmir as sacrificial  goats to be killed by mighty Indian Armed Forces. Gun culture in Valley , he equates it, as ploy of Pakistan for its survival and to defuse domestic pressures.
Finally, he hopes that civil society will imitate  a fair and unbiased debate on this issue!!!
Gun game has harmed Kashmirs most than any one else. Tens of thousands of Kashmirs have lost precious lives in three decades of armed insurgency. The gun culture brought destruction all round and destroyed thousands year old secular pluralistic character as it forced lacs of Kashmiri Pandits to flee their ancestral homes. Kashmiri Muslims are today  synonymous with widows,  orphans, destitutes etc and they too have suffered a lot. The image of Kashmir over the years has become that  of an  uglier and intolerant society.  The presence of ISIS flags in funerals of militants suggests that it is not an indigenous movement of Kashmiris.
Yours etc…..
Virender Razdan
Bohri Patta,  Jammu