Stop harassing people on encroachments’ pretext: PYC

JKPYC president Uday Bhanu Chib addressing a press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
JKPYC president Uday Bhanu Chib addressing a press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 28: Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress (PYC) has accused the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory Administration of harassing common people of Jammu on the pretext of encroachments.
Addressing media persons here today, Uday Bhanu Chib, president J&K Pradesh Youth Congress while raising serious concern over the demolition drive being conducted by JMC in Jammu stated that the action of the JMC is highly arbitrary and deserves condemnation in the strongest words. He said it is really an irony of Jammu and its people that JMC first demolishes a commercial complex saying it is either encroachment or constructed in violation of building rules thus inflicting heavy loss on the owner, but on finding it caught in the wrong steps it quite conveniently terms it as a case of mistaken identity.
The Youth Congress leader questioned the government on alleged harassment to common people who are tax payers and contributing their lot in the nation building. He said that why has not the residential complex of BJP leader and former DyCM, Dr Nirmal Singh been demolished till date despite JDA having declared as “Major Violation” of law. Isn’t it shameful for the administration for not taking any action on major violation committed by the BJP’s senior leader by raising residential complex near army establishment, he questioned.
Uday alleged that Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) has itself turned a `den of corruption’ and common people are struggling because of this. He said that for the common man it is quite tedious job to get a birth or death certificate even after duly filing application and complying requisite formalities because of rampant corruption in the Corporation. Moreover, sanitation continues to be a major issue in every area with JMC miserably failing to collect garbage on daily basis despite people paying user charges. He urged the JMC authorities to adhere to their basic functioning especially pertaining to sanitation rather than harassing the common people in the name of encroachments.
Prominent among those who were present include Ricky Dalotra vice president JKPYC, Rishab Bali spokesperson IYC, Sahil Singh Langeh general secretary JKPYC, Latish Sharma and Divyansh Jamwal secretary JKPYC and Deepanshu Bhatt, spokesperson JKPYC.