Stop vandalizing Yusmarg !

Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat
Yusmarg is one of the huge pastures of Kashmir  located under the foothills of Pir Panchal mountain in central Kashmir’s Budgam district . There is no authentic historical account of how this place got its name but it is believed that hundreds of years back Yusmarg was called “Roosmarg” – the meadow of deers , and with passage of time it became Yusmarg. It is said  that this area had abundance of wildlife until 50 years back and was famous for the large number of deers.
From last several years massive concrete constructions have taken place in Yusmarg.  Irony is that all these constructions have / are being undertaken by various Government authorities on the Forest land which violates the “Supreme Court”  directives  as well as the basic guidelines enshrined in the Jammu & Kashmir Forest Protection Act. The sanitation condition in Yusmarg  is also bad as one can  see heaps of garbage scattered around this tourist destination. It  seems that local authorities haven’t bothered to take a notice of this situation.
Location of Yusmarg :
Yusmarg is located at an altitude of 8900 feet above sea level and is situated  around 45 kilometers from Srinagar city, towards the south-western  direction. The South Kashmir districts of Pulwama and Shopian are located towards eastern side of Yusmarg. While travelling to Yusmarg from Srinagar, on the way is located the shrine of revered saint Sheikh Noorudin Wali (RA) at Charar-i-Sharief. Yusmarg is a lush green pasture surrounded by forest and snow clad mountains of Pir Panchaal range. The Doodh Ganga river  flows in the western side of this meadow making this destination attractive for locals as well as international tourists.
Illegal constructions at Yusmarg :
In clear violation of Supreme Court directives , Yusmarg” is being vandalized by the authorities as illegal and concrete structures have been raised in this environmentally fragile zone. The construction in the area by local development authority (Yusmarg Development Authority )  has caused serious concern for the environment activists. It is given to understand that YDA is planning to construct a shopping complex on the forest land near the JKTDC cafeteria , some work according to locals has already begun. Few years back JKTDC constructed a hotel on the forest land in the heart of Yusmarg which further defaced this green meadow.
As per reliable information  Yusmarg Development Authority (YDA) has erected more than one dozen concrete structures around this fragile tourist destination. YDA has been erecting concrete structures right from 2009 when the YDA took formal control over this place. Few years back   YDA constructed a concrete Tourist Reception Centre (TRC) near the Yusmarg entry point. The structure is not at all eco-friendly as it should have been.
Yusmarg has the potential to be the gateway for a large number of potential tourist destinations in the Pir Panchaal area of Kashmir but the authorities seem to be least bothered to develop this place on lines with local environment.
“This place is so beautiful that it  mesmerizes tourists with its scenic meadows and mountains which can be compared with European Alps. There are some unique flowers in this area found in the spring season which are considered to have medicinal value as well. A major trekking route from Yousmarg leads to a famous green pasture called Tosa Maidan . But authorities are not even discussing a bit with local panchayat , even the master plan copy has not been shared with the local panchayat ” said G M Ahangar the local Sarpanch of Yusmarg Nagbal.
“Our panchayat is hardly consulted by the YDA and the illegal constructions is going at full pace in our area , all these constructions openly violate supreme court guidelines and the constructions are also violating the J&K Forest Protection Act ” Ahangar added
Conclusion :
Environmental activists say that Yusmarg is under a constant threat of ecological imbalance and this threat is seen mainly due to official negligence . The Government and YDA should not allow any unnecessary concrete constructions in the area. YDA must prevent the influential people as well as the Tourism department or J&K Tourism Development Corporation (JKTDC) from going ahead with any constructions in the area. Yusmarg Master Plan should be made public for an open public debate. Under the grab of development the Government must not allow destruction of Yusmarg.