Story of Ram Leela Basohli

Shiv Kumar Padha
Basohli has got the pride of being the number one among the old Duggar states of Jammu and Kashmir in the field of art, culture and the aesthetic sense. Basohli has left an indelible mark on the cultural horizon of the country. Whether it is art, painting, ayurveda, pashmina industry, astrology, classical singing and celebrations of Ram Leela, Basohli has always excelled in every field.
India is a land of festivals, festivals of seasons, festivals of national importance. Indians are known for the spirit they celebrate these festivals with. Among the festivals of Jammu and Kashmir, Id of Muslims, Dewali and Ram Leela of Hindus ,Guru Parabs of Sikhs and charismas of Christians are the major festivals which are celebrated by all the communities collectively forgetting the differences, if any, between them.
According to the information available from the senior most citizens of the town, Ram Leela celebration in Basohli dates back to early twentieth century i.e. from Oct.-Nov. 1911. Before the celebrations assumed the present shape it passed through many up heavals and financial crises. In the beginning years of the celebrations, Ram Leela was celebrated in the open ground amidst a big disciplined crowd surrounding the arena where the artists used to perform their roles in simple costumes distinguishing themselves from the spectators with ordinary hand made wig and beard prepared from the bark of the trees. The presentation was called Ras Leela which was performed by the artists (Raas Dhari) from the locality and from the villages of the adjoining Punjab and Himachal Pradesh states. The mode of presentation of Ram Leela went on changing with the passage of time and later on it spread over the whole chougan. Today, the ground is divided into five stages one each for Ram Durbar, Ravan Durbar, Ashoke Vatika and for Sumeru Parbat where rest of space is reserved for use of sets for Panch Vati, huts for Saints/ seers and for different battles between various fighting factions of that time. In the beginning Ram Leela used to start in the afternoon in the broad day light due to the non availability of lighting arrangements as is available these days. At night hours famous Hindi nataks (dramas) of that time like, Krishan Sudama, Bilvamangal, Rukmaniharn and Shravan Kumar were staged in the bright light of the patromaxs. The pitch of the artists used to be very high which could be heard from half mile distance without PA system. Achievements in the celebrations and innovations in the presentation required lot of money which was quite impossible because of the economical condition of the people which was too bad to donate any thing for the festival. The quality of performance of Ram Leela showed gradual decline year after year till it reached its lowest ebb.
Before Ram Leela committee became absolutely bankrupt the management of the organization came in the hands of able, honest and dedicated Presidents like Khushi Ram Padha, Ishwar Dass Padha, Tara Chand Kanotra and many others of exemplary characters and their teams, who brought both performance and economy of Ram Leela on the rails again. During all the ten days of celebrations the sanctity of the surroundings of the mandup is maintained by the spectators voluntarily. The characters of the Ram Leela remain on fast during the navratras.
The present life like scenes pertaining to glowing of Lakshman rekha, descending of lord Hanuman from sky with mountain, on palms, Dhanush Yagya, felling of seven tar trees with one arrow by Lord Ram and crossing of the river by boat by Ram Sita and Lakshman is the brain products of the dedicated team of innovators who design and develop new ways and means every year which help presenting life like scenes during the celebrations. Ram Leela feels proud in having a good number of classical and light classical vocal singers who have rarely got a match in the whole state.
Ram Leela festival of Basohli is an example of true secularism in many ways as muslim brethren take keen interest in the matters of presentations and management. Nazir Ahmed Chouhan, Shuker Din and others had played famous characters of Ram Leela in the past. During the festival all the local married daughters and employees from all the communities come to their homes and spend a few days with their families and friends.
Now a days Ram Leela Basohli by dint of its presentation and devotion has carved out a place among the popular festivals of the state and that of the country and has become headlines of many national papers. Life like presentation, sanctity and devotion of the people attracts good number of visitors during the celebrations every year.
A large number of the spectators from the neighboring states of Punjab, Himachal Pardesh have been thronging Basohli town during Ram leela celeberations since the inauguration of Atal Setu on 24th Dec. 2015. At a time when the Ramm Leela Basohli was feeling handicapped, due to the financial crunch, to meet the modern recreational needs of the increasing clientele, to purchase sophisticated Public Address and lighting gadgets and the costumes for the characters, Prem sagar Aziz ex. MOS Jammu Kashmir took the reins of the Ram Leela committee in his hands and brought the dwindling standard of the Ram Leela again on the rails.
Prem Sagar Aziz, as president of the RL committee, not only spearheaded the celeberations in the desirable directions but also financed it from his own pocket without any selfish motive. Today Basohli has the pride of having a RL committee which is worth meeting the needs of any number and any interest of the viewers. The Ram Leela festival can be made more attractive and interesting if the State Government inducts its departments of Information, cultural academy, ICCR Jammu and Kshmir, Door Darshan and Akash vani Jammu on the style they are being deployed during the famous festivals of Jammu.
Like every year the state government is again requested to declare the Basohli Ram Leela as state festival on the pattern of Sindhu Darshan of Leh and Jhiri Mela of Jammu and deploy the information Deptt. and Door Darshan to cover the festival for its telecast on the national network. It is requested to all to turn up in good number and add to its glory.