Strategic roads

The good news is that the Defence Ministry has fully geared up to the crucial need of fast border road building project along our north eastern border with China. The Ministry has not been happy with the pace of completing the targeted links. As such the Defence Minister has issued instructions to the Border Roads Organization and other relevant agencies to speed up construction before the stipulated dates. Adequate funds have already been allocated and full survey made. There is no reason why completion of road projects in the strategic north eastern sector and even in Jammu & Kashmir should not be completed within time. The nation wants to be told that our connectivity along our north eastern border is in place and our defence forces deployed to protect the borders are not hampered in any way for want of regular supplies of military hardware and other essentials. We should not forget that China has already spread out a network of border roads along its side of the Sino-Indian border to our east. We need to match it and even be ahead of China.