Streamlining patients’ referral system

There are such patients whose ailments cannot be treated in the State Hospitals and would require treatment in medical centres / hospitals outside the State and require formal referrals. In this connection, State Government announced Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and nominated nodal officers at various levels of healthcare institutions to streamline the patients’ referral system. Hence, on duty consultant, BMO, Medical Office and other similar medical authority shall decide about the modalities of referral from peripheral hospitals/ Health Centres to Tertiary care hospital and sign the ‘referral slip’ of the patient.
This much needed system would lessen the hardships and tension of the patient as also the attendants as under the revised system, the referring Doctor shall have to mention details of the patient, like treatment received, status of the patient and reasons of referring the patient to the ‘Tertiary Care Hospital’ on the Referral Slip. The messages too would follow for the referred hospital about the patient so as to ensure necessary arrangements were made well in advance. This looks on the face of it much assuring and satisfying provided the system was made sincerely workable especially for patients needing treatment at urgent basis and who were from moderate means.
The necessary details, monitoring etc right up from putting the patient in the ambulance to arrival at the Tertiary hospital as detailed in the revised system is depicting the intention to help and save the sick and should receive necessary cooperation at each level. The noteworthy feature is the provision of monthly audit of all referral cases at all levels to be conducted and consolidated to reach the management of GMC Srinagar /Jammu to lend the requisite credibility to the objective behind the system.