Strengthen VDCs

Refer article ‘Role of VDCs’ DE Aug 8. There are no two opinions about the crucial role played by Village Defence Committees in combating militancy in the strife torn State. It is because of them that people in border villages live a peaceful life. Being aware of the topography of the area, they helped security forces to track down militant easily. The Government should not succumb to pressure tactics adopted by separatists to disband these committees.
Though there may be some elements in the VDCs who may have committed some crime as separatists claim, but that does not mean that all people associated with VDCs are criminals. Besides, which organisation does not have some elements with criminal tendency. There are rouge elements in police, paramilitary and even army, then shall we disband them as well. The system does not work like that. There is law of the land which takes case of such elements.
Rather it is suggested that VDCs should be strengthened by giving them sophisticated weapons, training and monetary benefits. Once militancy is over in the State, they should be merged  into police or para military forces.
Yours etc……
Shiv Kumar