Strict action against tardiness

The recent directive from the Centre warning of strict action against Government employees for tardiness is a commendable and necessary measure. The importance of punctuality and discipline in any professional setting cannot be overstated, particularly within the Government sector, which serves as the backbone of public administration and service delivery. Ensuring that employees adhere to office hours is fundamental to maintaining efficiency, accountability, and public trust. The introduction and enforcement of the Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System signify the Government’s commitment to improving attendance and punctuality. Despite the implementation of this system, the discovery that numerous employees were not registering their attendance and were habitually arriving late or leaving early highlights a serious issue. Such behaviour not only disrupts workflow but also undermines the Government’s efforts to provide timely services to the public. The use of mobile phone-based face authentication with features like live location detection and geo-tagging is a forward-thinking approach. This technology not only facilitates easier and more accurate attendance tracking but also ensures that employees are physically present at their designated work locations. By leveraging such technology, the Government can significantly reduce instances of fraudulent attendance marking.
Strict actions, including debiting casual leave for late attendance and considering punctuality in important career-related decisions, are essential to fostering a culture of discipline. The Personnel Ministry’s reminder that habitual lateness and early departures constitute misconduct under conduct rules reinforces the seriousness of this issue. Furthermore, disciplinary measures should be seen as a deterrent against tardiness, ensuring that employees understand the repercussions of their actions. To ensure the effectiveness of these measures, all Government Departments must take proactive steps. Regular monitoring of attendance reports, sensitising employees about punctuality, and maintaining functional biometric machines are fundamental. Moreover, the leadership within ministries and departments must lead by example, demonstrating the importance of adhering to office hours. In this digital age, old habits must be shunned. Punctuality in the Government sector is not just about discipline but about upholding the integrity and efficiency of public service.