Strike, restrictions disrupt life

Army, Traffic police issue advisory

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Dec 16: Normal life in Kashmir valley was disrupted due to strike called by separatists while authorities imposed restrictions in parts of Srinagar to thwart any possible protest over Pulwama killings.
Seven civilians were killed in security forces firing following the killing of three militants and a soldier in a gun battle in Sirnoo village of Pulwama yesterday.
The shutdown was called by separatist leaders Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik against the Pulwama killings.

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Shops, business establishments and petrol pumps remained closed while as the traffic was also off the roads in Srinagar and other parts of the Valley.
Authorities imposed restrictions under Section 144 CrPc in Pulwama district of South Kashmir and six Police Station areas of Srinagar city.
Restrictions were also imposed in parts of Srinagar falling under the jurisdiction of Nowhatta, Khanyar, Rainawari, Safakadal, M R Gunj and Maisuma Police Stations as a ‘precautionary measure’ to maintain law and order.
Police and paramilitary CRPF personnel were deployed in strength in restriction bound and other sensitive areas. The security forces also erected barricades to halt the vehicular and pedestrians’ movement.
Stone pelting incidents were reported in parts of the Valley. However, no one was injured in these incidents.
A police official sad that the situation across the Valley remained peaceful and under control.
Meanwhile, the mobile internet services that were snapped on Saturday afternoon continued to remain suspended.
Meanwhile, the train services from Baramulla to Banihal remained suspended for the second consecutive day today due to security reason. The train services will continue to remain suspended on Monday.
The Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) postponed the examinations slated for Monday. The decision has been taken as a precautionary measure to avoid any law and order situation at the campus. A spokesman of the varsity said new dates for the deferred exams will be notified later separately. He said the class work will also remain suspended at the IUST campus on Monday.
Central University of Kashmir also postponed all the examinations scheduled on Monday. The fresh dates for the postponed exams will be notified separately, said the spokesman of the CUK.
As the restrictions will continue to remain in place on Monday due to protest march called by the separatists, the Traffic department today issued an Advisory, saying that traffic will not be allowed to ply on Pantha Chowk-Sonwar-Dalgate road stretch on Monday.
“In view of security restrictions in Srinagar tomorrow traffic will not be allowed to ply on Pantha Chowk-Sonwar-Dalgate road stretch,” Traffic police said, adding that people who intend to travel to South Kashmir are advised to take Bypass road.
“Similarly people coming from South Kashmir shall adopt Bypass road to reach City Centre,” the officials said, adding that people who have to travel from Nishat and adjacent areas to reach City Centre shall adopt Boulevard-Badyari road.
No traffic shall be allowed to ply on Gupkar road stretch from Grand Place crossing, the official said, adding that commuters are requested to use alternate routes to reach their destinations. “Any inconvenience caused is highly regretted,” the official said.
Army today issued an advisory urging people not to give ear to march call given by separatists. “Army is always with the people of Kashmir and would foil all such evil attempts of militants to pit the civilian population against the security forces. The public is once again advised not to pay heed to this misleading call by separatists”, read the advisory.
And police in Srinagar detained former Legislator Er Rasheed along with his supporters after they tried to march towards the UNMOGIP office at Sonwar as a mark of protest against killings.
Carrying banners, placards and black flags, Rashid and his supporters took out a march from Jawahar Nagar.
A large contingent of police stopped the procession near Zero Bridge and took Rasheed and other party activists in custody and lodged them in Police Station Ragbagh.