Students trek 3 km daily to get network for online classes

Students taking online classes 2-3 km away from their homes. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi
Students taking online classes 2-3 km away from their homes. -Excelsior/Basharat Ladakhi

Excelsior Correspondent
KARGIL, May 22: Despite pandemic restrictions students from Shimsha village in Drass daily travel 2-3 km to get proper mobile network for online classes.
“If they don’t move out of their houses they would lose their precious academic year,” elders in village Shimsha said.

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Representatives of the village visited offices of LG, DM, CEC and even the MP to get solution for the network problem and were promised installation of a mobile tower last year but nothing took place on ground.
“It is very wrong that the students are made to risk their lives in this pandemic to prevent the loss of academic year because of lack of mobile connectivity in their village,” some villagers informed adding that in this regard the concerned officials should consider the demand of installation of mobile tower seriously otherwise the students have no choice but to risk their lives.