Subversion of system a challenge for people: Mufti

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 15: People’s Opposition Democratic Party (PDP) patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today alleged that the institutional system and administrative order are facing its most serious challenge under the present National Conference (NC)-Congress dispensation.
Addressing a meeting of party workers at Shopian in south Kashmir, he alleged that immense damage was done to the system of governance as a result of deliberate subversion of the rule of law and denial of justice.
People of the State will have to take this challenge head on if the State was to retain any degree of decent governance, he said.
Mufti said the present Government it seems has from day one resolved not to do anything that helped the common man or provided justice to people.
The incident of 2009 in which two young women lost their lives in Shopian was a nightmarish inauguration of the NC-Congress coalition which marked a complete reversal of the efforts to revive rule of law in the State, he said.
He said the family of the victims still have not received justice from the institutions of the State.
The PDP patron said this was followed by many more atrocities by the present Government without any redressal even in a single case.
He said though the people of Shopian put up a valiant struggle for justice and suffered in the process, the Government became more and more arrogant in its dealing with people throughout the State.
Slamming the Government for its inability to take to the logical conclusion even a single inquiry into the scores of killings on the streets Mufti said this has resulted in adding to the cynicism among the people about the kind of democracy practiced in the State under any NC led  dispensation.
He said if the previous NC Government had introduced POTA, established SOG and unleashed all weapons of repression on the people the present Government has reversed the entire process of relaxation with its anti people  behaviour.
He said thousands of young men have been framed in false cases for raising their voice at different times against the Government excesses.
He said the Chief Minister’s announcement about withdrawal of FIRs against the youth too have proved false which has resulted not just in denomination of a generation but has affected their career prospects as well.
Not even children are being spared and some of them have been booked on serious charges of waging a war against the State, have been paraded in handcuffs and jailed with hardened criminals, he alleged.
Mufti Sayeed said it was unfortunate that the Government was using the increased arrivals of tourists as a propaganda tool for normalcy without paying attention to infrastructure building that is required to add value to the tourism sector.
He said the State is blessed by nature with rich and diverse natural resources which would need proper tapping through creation of world class infrastructure, promotion of private sector and thoughtful investment in public sector.
‘Except for counting the number of tourist arrivals and linking it to law and order, the Government has done hardly anything in the last four years with the result that major tourist destinations including Srinagar have suffered degeneration in sanitation, traffic system and other amenities, he said.
This, he said, is in sharp contrast to the achievements of the PDP-Congress coalition which created 22 tourism development authorities and promoted a number of virgin areas for tourism.
He said the PDP would struggle for reversing this situation so that the unemployed youth did not have to beg for petty jobs and were able to carve out a dignified place in the society.
For this to happen, the former Chief Minister said the people of the State would have to use their vote after careful consideration and not follow any path blindly.
He said the PDP had provided an alternative to the people and they could enforce accountibilty among the political parties more effectively as previously they had no options other than the NC which had led the State into a disastrous  situation.