Suicide blast outside Medina Mosque

RiyadH, July 4:
A suicide blast struck today in Saudi Arabia outside one of Islam’s holiest sites, the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, local media reported.
Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel showed images of fire raging in a parking lot with at least one body nearby.
The explosion occurred in a security forces parking area, Al-Arabiya reported.
Two other bombers blew themselves up earlier today on opposite sides of the kingdom, which has previously been targeted by the Islamic State group of Sunni extremists.
In Shiite-dominated Qatif, on the Gulf coast, residents said a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a mosque frequented by the minority community.
Another suicide bomber detonated his explosives earlier near the US consulate in the Red Sea city of Jeddah, injuring two security officers. (Agencies)