Sunil Sethi condemns Nawaz Sherief’s statement

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 27: State Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today strongly condemned the raking of Kashmir by Pakistani PM Nawaz Sherief in UN General Assembly. In a press release issued by State spokesperson of the Party Sunil Sethi, it was emphasized that such nefarious and blackmailing tactics of Pakistan should be strongly objected and condemned by all Indians and we should all stand firm and together to oppose such like move by Pakistan which is a failed State and is controlled by military and militants. He said that whenever Pakistan is embroidered by internal crises and chaos it choose to go for India bashing in media or in international forums to divert attention of its public from overall failures of the Govt.
He said that time has come for India to talk tough to Pakistan and frustrate all efforts of Pakistan to internationalize the issue. The only issue between India and Pakistan on Kashmir is the evacuation of areas of J&K State in illegal occupation of Pakistan and those illegally ceaded by it to China. India should make all efforts with strong Government at the Centre to reclaim areas rightfully belonging to it as per instrument of accession which is final and complete and non negotiable.
Sunil Sethi said India is one of biggest economical and military power in the new world and no country much less a weak and unstable country like Pakistan can threaten or intimidate India.
Pakistan has failed in its efforts to blackmail and pressurize India by side talking with separatist and anti national elements of Kashmir before secretary level talks between two countries and now Nawaz Sharief has tried to play same game by trying to take Kashmir in United Nation. He said Kashmir is internal problem of India and India has the resolve and resources to take care of few anti nationals and separatists who are disturbing the peace and progress of the country.