Superannuation Age Issue

In recent months, there has been a great hue and cry, regarding the enhancement of retirement age. On the one hand, the State Govt employees demand increase of retirement age from 58 to 60 years, while on the other hand the jobless youth are up in arms against it.
This has become a dilemma and the only solution to this pestering problem is to increase the age of only those employees, who do not fulfil the latest criteria of 28 years  of qualifying service at the time of retirement, should be given the extension of two years to get the maximum pension benefits. Other  employees  who fulfil the above cited criteria, do not deserve such concession due to the alarming  increase in the number of unemployed youth.
Framing of committees by the State  Govt shall not solve this complicated issue, and the above  mentioned solution is in the interests of both the State employees and the unemployed youth.
Yours etc…
K L Dhar
Durga Nagar Enclave