Supporters of NC leaders fight

Mir Farhat
Srinagar, Dec 28: Supporters of two National Conference leaders today tore the posters of party president and manhandled each other during the district president elections in Budgam.
Trouble started after the party’s Member of Legislative Council (MLC) Ali Muhammd Dar was elected district president. But, the supporters of the outgoing district president Advocate Shaheen Shafi alleged that Dar was not elected in a democratic manner.
“These were not elections but a mere selection. The party high command selected Dar without conducting elections,” the supporters said. Reports said Dar made repeated appeals to the supporters of Shaheen, but they went unheard.
“They kept manhandling one another and hurled choicest abuses. A senior party member told workers that any kind of an act of indiscipline will not be tolerated at any cost,” an eyewitness said.
Later, advocate Shafi Shaheen told reporters that it was not election but selection. “Dar was elected without taking the workers into confidence,” he said, adding that various party leaders like Abdul Ahad and others were mulling to contest elections but all of them changed their mind after it was revealed the Dar had already been elected district president by the “high command.”
Dar said that the situation turned ugly in the meeting because he was not ready to accept the post. “Some workers raised hue and cry and wanted me to accept the position of the president,” adding, that the outgoing president Shaheen had suggested his name for the post.