Supreme Court pulls up ASI

Archeological Survey of India  (ASI) came in for facing the ire of  Supreme Court for not being in a position to protect the Taj Mahal to this extent that “if the ASI is needed or not”.
Taj Mahal is infected by insects and the Apex Court wanted the ASI to explain the steps taken to prevent it .The Court was informed that water was stagnant in Yamuna. Taj Mahal had its floor at many spots dirty because most of the tourists walked in with their unclean socks. Since the ASI provided these socks only to the VIPs, they had no other option. The Additional Solicitor General, however, informed the court that the Ministry of Environment and Forests was considering the Court’s suggestion to appoint international experts to look into the issue of protection and preservation of the monument.
It may be recalled that the Apex Court had on May 1, expressed its concern over the Taj losing its natural colour due to pollution and had pulled up the authorities for not doing enough in the matter. Irrespective of PILs or other petitions by the conservationists and environmentalists, it is incumbent upon the Central and State Governments to take such steps which were necessary to protect monuments and heritage sites as they were priceless gems of national importance. The Taj needs an extra   care being the 7th wonder of the world built by Shahjahan, the Mughal king in memory of his wife who died in 1631.