Surge in rape cases

Increase in rape cases of minor girls or gang rapes in the State is a matter of great anxiety and concern for the Government and civil society.  The graph of this type of crime has been showing upward trend since 2011. We have year-wise statistics available that show the crime is increasing. It is not restricted to rural or to urban areas, nor do we speak of regions of Jammu or Kashmir. It is a phenomenon prevailing across the State and has to be tackled on war footing. Social scientists have brought forward various causes of increase in rape cases and molestation or harassment of women in public places, offices, and in homes. This is a very disappointing picture and much responsibility devolves on the shoulders of parents and social institutions. Unfortunately, in our conservative society, a rape case is not quickly and ordinarily reported to the police station for necessary action. Out of fear of stigma sticking to the name, the victims cannot pick up courage to file FIR or report the matter to their parents who would in turn inform the police.
The Government shall have to come down with a heavy hand on social criminals of this class. We have the yearly statistics of rape and molestation cases but we don’t have any record of whether any involved person was prosecuted and what punishment was given to how many of them. In 2013 the police in the State recorded 378 cases of rape which means more than one rape each day. This is unacceptable. Laws covering rape and molestation and harassment of women should be made more stringent. Importantly, police stations manned by only women police staff should be opened at each district headquarter. This social evil has to be fought tooth and nail.