Surjeet heads DPAP’s SC Wing for Ramban Distt

JAMMU, Oct 16: Surjeet Kumar has been appointed as president while Sudesh Kumar Bhagat as general secretary of SC Wing of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) for district Ramban.
The appointment was made by the Party chairman, Ghulam Nabi Azad on the recommendation made by Party general secretary R S Chib. While Surjeet Kumar from Chanderkote was appointed as president SC Wing of the party for Ramban, three vice presidents inducted are- Suram Chand, Chait Ram and Param Chand.
Sudesh Kumar Bhagat is the new general secretary; Sunil Kumar, Bishan Dass and Chain Singh the secretaries; Baldev Singh and Budhi Singh as joint secretaries, Sawanmal from Chanderkote as treasurer; Dev Raj Bhagat, Bhavishan Singh and Suresh Kumar as publicity secretaries while Amar Chand and Pankaj Kumar as executive members of the SC Wing of the party for district Ramban.