SVC for strengthening of internal vigilance system in RDD

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 28: To improve efficiency and transparency in implementation of various centrally sponsored schemes, executed by the Rural Development Department, and ensuring quick finalization of complaints/enquiries, a review meeting was convened by the State Vigilance Commission with the Rural Development Department.
The State Vigilance Commission directed the Department to focus on complaints/enquiries including Regular Departmental Enquiries to ensure their disposal in a time bound manner and submit the status report thereof before the Commission on April 7, 2016.
521 complaints are pending before the Administrative Department, many of which bear serious allegations of corruption against officers and officials of Rural Development Department. Most of the complaints pertain to irregularities committed in execution of different works under MGNREGA, extending benefits of schemes mainly to Sarpanchs and Panchs in connivance with BDOs besides deviation from approved plans and payments drawn fraudulently against non-executed and fictitious works by private contractors in league with engineers and other officials of the Department. The Commission observed that owing to maladministration and poor supervision, the objective of other schemes like Indra Awas Yojna (IAY) and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) has not been fulfilled in many areas.
The Department informed that many job cards have been discovered to be fake and even Government servants have been issued job cards and payments made, thus acquiring undue benefits and depriving the deserved ones of their due benefits. The Department has been directed for strict action against these illegal beneficiaries as well as registration of cases. The Commission also directed the Department for photography and videography of works executed in rural areas and post these on website indicating location and cost of work with year of execution. For ensuring that Regular Departmental Enquiries are completed early and involved Government officials punished, the Article of Charges to delinquent officials be issued on the basis of preliminary enquiry made by the Vigilance Organization, the SVC stressed.
The meeting was chaired by Kuldeep Khoda, the Chief Vigilance Commissioner and attended by R K Jerath, the Vigilance Commissioner, Gous-ul-Nisa, the Vigilance Commissioner, Special Secretary to Government, Rural Development Department, Secretary, SVC, Additional Secretary, SVC, Chief Prosecuting Officer, SVC and other senior officers of the Commission.