Swachh Bharat Mission

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision and mission for making India Swachh is unique in nature. No one likes to live in unhygienic conditions. But heaps of paper waste, vegetables wastes which generally people throw outside their homes and sometimes in drains or non-residential areas but in public places, makes the whole idea meaningless. One swallow can’t make summer, collective participation of the citizens is direly needed. Until public awakening is made, certain do’s and don’t are issued by the health agencies, which usually don’t work. After all, it is a national concern and the contribution of every citizens, in whatsoever capacity  one may be, is dutifully needed to make our soil beautiful. Since the mission is linked with Swachhta, a primary necessity to be healthy and diseases free, all efforts in this direction are considered inadequate. Greatmen show the way, it is for the public to follow. What is good, deserves to be appreciated, no matter from whom it comes from.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)