Mobility within and intra Government Departments of employees is very important. Besides, those institutions which have developed, by virtue of comprehensive policies being in place, the habit of keeping rotating the employees of all cadres within the same department periodically say within a span of two to three years and within cities, towns and villages if that particular department has such a wide reach and presence, chances of irregularities, corruption and misusing official position remain to the barest minimum levels . Besides, elements of indispensability and dictating terms and working according to whims thus affecting productivity and performance get vastly circumvented.
It is to be seen more so in respect of those Government employees who manage to ” serve ” in one department for years together usually at a place in one’s home town or quite near to home. Not only that, even tables or the nature of work to be attended to continue to remain unaltered which leads to static conditions leading to affecting the speed and the quality of work as also productivity. Since in the absence of a formidable but an elastic transfer policy in respect of Government employees gives room to resorting to decisions of transfers on grounds not wholly in the interests of the working of the particular department but that of the employees concerned only , the consequential ambiguity generated has got to be cleared. That in other words means introducing reforms in the system and formulating changes as the times and the conditions both are warranting so.
It is to be noted that right at the time of appointment, the letter from the employer, the particular agency or the department of the Government concerned, must specifically mention that the employee was liable to be transferred to any place, town and village in the UT and from one to the other department at the sole discretion of the concerned competent authorities Taking the employee’s written consent beforehand will serve as a defence / immunity to the department concerned in case an employee took up the matter to a court. Since now it is all digital and recently e-HRD portal too is set up, all the particulars in respect of an employee will be now readily available at any moment to maintain a due date of transfers of employees and initiate timely necessary action.
In this connection, it is quite satisfying to note that it has been mooted to formulate a Transfer Policy for all non-gazetted employees too in Jammu and Kashmir working in Civil Secretariat to obliterate the system of allowing an employee to remain in one single department for unspecified number of years as it is at present. In other words, decks stand cleared for shifting them from one department to the other. In this connection, an official communiqué is expected to be issued shortly. That such transfers shall have the realms and limits of being confined to the Civil Secretariat itself and thus may not appear to be that impressive for reasons being that transfer and thus mobility at least within the province is out of the scope of the upcoming Transfer Policy.
However, such limitations are also required to be seen in the context of at least some change and reform in the system existing for years together is sought to be brought about and at least a semblance to the element of regularity of such transfers will get established to foster better results and minimise chances of manipulations of many hues that are inherent in one sticking to one department / one table for years unspecified taking the advantage of absence of a Transfer Policy. It is to be seen in another perspective that of parity and uniformity in that when Gazetted Officers are liable to and are regularly transferred after completing a minimum supposed tenure, why not, therefore, the non-Gazetted cadre? Unless existing systems related to Human Resources are regularly reviewed and seen which changes and reforms were required to be introduced necessarily , neither performance levels and delivery mechanism could improve nor transparency and output . In fact, employees themselves in majority of cases will find such changes favourable for them too as remaining at one place/ department / table brings in dormancy, boredom, inefficiency and lack of varied experience. The word of caution thus would be ”Reform or Retard”.