Swine flu threat

Governor N.N. Vohra has taken immediate and effective measures to control the spread of HINI Influenza in the State. Recently reports of some cases of HINI also called Swine flu were made by hospital authorities which made the Governor move fast to contain the flu in every way possible. He has chalked two-pronged strategy to fight the epidemic. One is to galvanize Department of Health into action and the second is to initiate awareness campaign among the people. Both strategies have to go simultaneously.
In a meeting called by the Governor at Raj Bhavan, top bureaucrats connected with public health participated in discussions about controlling the flu. The Governor issued instructions to the Commissioners-Secretaries of various departments and other senior echelons of how they should combat the menace. These instructions cover a variety of steps and have to be implemented forthwith. The Principal Secretary Finance assured that funds for effective control of the virus would not be wanting as the Governor has sanctioned additional 30 lakh rupees to the Department of Health for meeting the expenditures on medicines and other equipment needed to make anti-flu campaign effective. Various hospitals and Medical Colleges and private hospitals have been directed to arrange segregation wards with 4- 5 beds for the treatment of flu victims at each district headquarter and 2-3 beds at CH centers.
Immediately on receiving the news of HINI flu spreading in the State, Raj Bhawan has swung into action and in an urgent meeting the Governor listened to the brief on the status of epidemic in the state.  Forthwith action followed. Now, it is binding on subordinate medical authorities to submit weekly progress report on how far the spread of HINI influenza has been stopped and controlled. A very effective way of providing medical treatment to people in far flung areas has also come handy for the Governor. He has directed the Commissioner Secretary Health Department to detach doctors from present posting and deploy them in rural hospitals and district hospitals so as to make medical services available to the local people who otherwise do not have the resources to take the patients to Srinagar or Jammu hospitals for treatment.  Establishment of Control Room at Barzalla in Srinagar will go a long way in coordinating efforts of professionals, doctors and para-medical staff to deal with situations expeditiously and effectively.  Various tasks in the line of controlling the virus have been given to concerned and they are supposed to report to Rajbhawan on weekly basis for evaluation of progress in controlling the disease. All these measures are necessary and have been taken in proper time.
However, the second part of the task of meeting the threat of flu is also taken care of. It is bringing awareness among the broad masses of people about the Do’s and Don’ts. Assemblage of people and crowds at odd places can be fraught with the danger of spread of the virus.  Necessary directions have been issued by the respective Director, Health Services, to all the CMOs and BMOs in the State of bringing awareness to the people. Secretary Health Department has prepared an Action Plan for controlling the virus and under this plan Isolation Wards with 4 to 6 beds at the District Hospitals and with 2 to 3 beds at the CH Centers have been envisaged.
In final analysis, HINI virus has created anxiety among the people and their fears cannot be swept under the carpet. The administration has reacted promptly to the situation and has done all that should be done without loss of time. There is no need to get panic-stricken because the authorities are at work and they want to ensure that the virus is controlled effectively. The people should also cooperate in observing instructions coming from medical authorities and only through their co-operation it will be possible to fully control the dangerous flue.