Tackling terror menace

Reference news item “Saudi Arabia halts deportation of  Faish Mohammad, says will probe his role first” published in DE 17/09/12.
Our country is fighting terror menace for over 30 years. Enough blood has been shed, apart from death, destruction and destabilization attempts made on lives and property and ethnic cleansing of over 2 lac minority community in 1990. We continue to buy peace by paying heavy price and spend astronomical sums on security related measures.
It will be in fitness of things to ponder over the reasons stated by Saudi Arabia for not handing over Faish to Indian authorities as yet and what lessons we have learnt all these years while fighting terror :-
* Have we now over played or over exposed the role and co-operation of Saudi Arabia who obliged us earlier in the case of Abu Jundal’s deportation, to the extent they feel embarrassed by our tactics (Over-zealous role of authorities) and are reluctant to oblige us now. In effect, we made enemy wise to keep us away in achieving the goal.
* To observe transparency and openness (at the instance of Human Rights Bodies), whether the basic concept of maintaining” Confidential, secrecy, down play, for your eyes only,” in the national interest, have disappeared while framing strategies. Isn’t it that functioning of organisation . like  RAW was eroded during the tenure of late PM Morarji Desai on the ground that powers were allegedly misused. Are we now paying price for lack of imagination ?
* Are we providing desired training to all concerned in terms of building capabilities, tactics, negotiation skill, eternal vigilance (both logistically and diplomatically) with aim to win battle within specific period.
* Whether the multiple agencies tackling the problem work with proper co-ordination/unified control at all levels, without passing the buck syndrome.
Thanks to enemy who keeps us on tenterhook and awake us from somnolence due to lack of political will, astute strategy, guts. The challenge of leadership is to make us proud in terms of size, strength stability, scale (120 crore population).
Yours etc….
P K Mam,
Shanker Vihar,
Talab Tillo, Jammu