Taj to knock doors of Azad on Nov 11 for appropriate action

CPWD, HLL’s ‘indifferent’ attitude towards SSHs of J&K

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Nov 4: As the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and Hindustan Latex Limited (HLL) continue to adopt ‘indifferent’ attitude towards the Super Specialty Hospitals of Jammu and Srinagar, the Medical Education Minister of the State, Taj Mohi-ud-Din is going to bring the prevailing situation vis-à-vis these hospitals to the notice of Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad on November 11, 2013 for his personal intervention and appropriate action.
“Ever since the start of construction work on the Super Specialty Hospital at Srinagar, the Central Public Works Department has never met the deadlines fixed for different works and one after another deadline is given to the concerned authorities of the State Government”, official sources told EXCELSIOR.
Given the present pace of work and the dilly-dallying policy adopted by the CPWD on one pretext or the another nobody knows when the building of Super Specialty Hospital at Srinagar will be ready, sources added.
“Similarly, several vital equipments are yet to be provided by the Hindustan Latex Limited for the Super Specialty Hospital at Jammu despite the fact that the same are imperative to start OPD as well as IPD services of various departments including those which are presently providing these services”, they said.
It is pertinent to mention here that OPD services of Cardiology, Cardio-Thorasis Vascular Services (CTVS), Neurology, Neuro Surgery, Nephrology and Uro-surgery Departments are being provided since May 1, 2013 while as only four departments like Urology, Nephrology, CTVS besides Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are operating IPD since September 1, 2013.
“The Medical Education Department apprised the HLL authorities about the dire need of equipment required for Neuro-Surgery and Nephrology Departments and Ventilators a number of times but every time it is stated that tenders have been placed”, sources said, adding “due to non-availability of equipment particularly ventilators the Medical Education Department is finding it difficult to start IPD in neurosurgery”, sources informed. Similar is the fate of Cardiology Department as Cathlab has not been installed in the Super Specialty Hospital.
When contacted, Minister for Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din confirmed that several departments could not start OPD as well as IPD services for want of equipment, which HLL has failed to provide despite repeated reminders from the State Government. “Right from the very beginning there has been slackness on the part of CPWD as well as HLL as a result of which Super Specialty Hospital could not be made fully functional in Jammu and construction of the SSH in Srinagar is going on at a snail’s pace”, he added.
In response to a question, Mr Taj said, “now we have been conveyed by the HLL that equipment supply would take at least two-three months”, adding “since CPWD and HLL are directly under the control of Union Government I am going to take up the issues confronting both the Super Specialty Hospitals with the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad on November 11”.
Mr Taj said that he will also take up the issue of starting MRI machine and oxygen plant on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in the SSH Jammu and immediate push to Rs 36 crore worth proposal submitted by the Medical Education Department for upgradation of Oncology Wing of the GMC by providing latest machinery and equipment, which are presently not available in Jammu and Kashmir.
“Ours is among very few States selected by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare for providing support in oncology field”, the Medical Education Minister informed.
When asked about separate recurring expenditure for the Super Specialty Hospital Jammu, the Minister said, “a proposal has already been prepared and submitted to the Planning and Finance Department for necessary financial assistance from the next financial year”. However, for the current financial year revised estimates of the plan for the Government Medical College Jammu have been submitted, he added.