Tak slams opposition for malicious propaganda

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, Aug 22: The Member Legislative Council and District President People’s Democratic Party Kishtwar Firdous Tak today slammed opposition parties for raising non-issues to sabotage progressive initiatives taken by the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed led Coalition Government.
He asked the people to have faith in the leadership of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and ignore false propaganda unleashed by certain political parties to vent out their frustration after humiliating defeat in all recent elections.
“These parties are in a state of despair as people have rejected them for their misdeeds during last six years”, he said, adding that the catastrophic defeat of these parties was inevitable due to the fact that their rule was despotic and fraught with corruption and directionless policies. The MLC was addressing workers at a largely attended party convention here today.
“It is ridiculous that these parties are raising fingers on the present coalition forgetting their  own regime where no one was accountable to any one and it was only corruption and corrupt elements that ruled the roost”, he said, adding PDP-BJP coalition has the mandate of all the three regions of state and it is well poised to meet the aspirations of the people of every strata of society.
“No coalition is without differences but able leadership and sincerity of cause can do miracles. We have proved this earlier and will prove again”, he said
He said that the party formed an alliance with BJP, despite ideological differences, for the sake of common masses as it saw an opportunity to unite the three regions of the state. “The PDP, as a part of new dispensation, is still committed to safeguard the interest of the people at all cost”, he said adding, “Mufti Muhammad Sayed has never compromised the interest of state and its people for power and he will uphold his commitment and make the new dispensation work in a manner that all the regions are benefitted”.
He said that in just five years the State Government has taken historic initiatives, particularly in education sector. “Despite the confusion being created by our political opponents, people realize that today the writ of state was visible. The war against corruption has taken practical shape and we are hopeful that all those who loot the public exchequer are shown the door”, the PDP MLC, said adding several hundred crores rupees worth projects have been approved in the road sector and the work has started in all the three regions.