Take stringent measures to counter Pak onslaughts: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 22: Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) and Chairman, National Panthers Party (NPP) Harshdev Singh has lambasted the Union Government for its failure to take deterrent action against Pakistan despite the latter’s highly felonious, wicked and criminal acts in persistently violating our territorial integrity.
He regretted the submissive and meek approach adopted by New Delhi despite highly pernicious Pak onslaughts and its continued violations of the cease fire agreement.
He said that the present visit of the Home Minister would be meaningless if stringent deterrent measures are not taken against Pakistan for its mis-adventures on LoC and International Borders.
He urged upon the visiting Home Minister to seriously address the woes and agony of Border migrants who have been forced to flee their homes and hearths due to highly surcharged situation on LoC and borders.
Expressing grave concern over continued Pak shelling and targeting of civilian population, Singh called for adequate and appropriate response to counter these highly reprehensible acts.
He called upon the Union Government and the visiting Home Minister to shed off their inhibitions and to act tough so as to give clear message across the border that any further trying the patience of India could be disastrous for the rogue state.
Singh further asserted that nothing could be more pathetic than the fact that India allowed itself to get trapped in an engagement with Pakistan at a time when LoC and IB were feeling the heat of Pak aggression.