Taking due care of vulnerable groups


I t is a natural corollary, in the broader sense, that after any type of devastation, the surviving or remained things be looked after, preserved, protected and sustained. Two waves, one after the other, of deadly COVID-19 pandemic have wrought havoc with not only human lives but with the individual and societal commerce and economies and, therefore, of the country’s economy as well. Since pragmatism and the discretion both warrant to care for the present as also plan for the future as to how the unlimited difficulties heaped on the country by this invisible enemy were fought out and faced with fortitude instead of indulging in blame games and researching in vain, “causes and effects”. While the country and the countrymen are fighting the corona pandemic and hopefully to very soon finish it out, at the same time, we have to do all types of “repairing”, restoring and rehabilitation measures with no less spirit as fighting the virus. What about, therefore, the vulnerable groups especially those children who have been orphaned due to the treacherous and deadly COVID-19 pandemic? We cannot, even in the least, abdicate our duty and responsibility to take care of and rehabilitate these orphaned children. Government is required to take the lead but other social and philanthropist organisations too should come forward in helping in whatever way , these children so as not to let them suffer on any account. It is a right initiative on the part of the Union Home Ministry asking States and Union Territories to take such measures which could strengthen facilities for vulnerable groups. Children having been rendered orphans by the devouring COVID Pandemic were prone to be exploited by anti social and criminal elements particularly by those indulging in human trafficking and even compelling some going in for adopting practices like begging or other crimes. There were other groups of victims like women and other categories like old people , scheduled caste and scheduled tribes which were susceptible to be subjected to perpetuating crimes of various hues on them as a fallout of the pandemic. To pre-empt such attempts of those elements who want to exploit the situation on account of the miseries brought by the pandemic, such an administrative effective mechanism should be in place that not only such crimes were prevented but countered too effectively. Are there any tangible facilities in place and are they being reviewed periodically to assess the end use – are vital points to be taken into account. The need was to give a fresh shape to such facilities but at the same time, have an updated data and relevant figures in respect of such vulnerable groups so that after proper assessment and planning, the accruable benefits duly reached them. The pandemic has to be fought with all the might and so have its offshoots too. A responsive Government, a responsible administration and a well matured empathetic society must leave no stone unturned in reaching out to such people from vulnerable groups.