Talent of J&K youth needs to be exploited: Dr Jitendra Singh

Union Minister in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a youth convention at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh
Union Minister in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a youth convention at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 1: Maintaining that the youth of J&K have immense talent, Union Minister in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that they need opportunity to exploit this talent.
Addressing a youth congregation here, the Union Minster said that it is strange contradiction that most of those youth from J&K who move out to other parts of the country do extremely well and make a distinct mark in their respective fields, whereas back home, their talent goes either unnoticed or underutilized. Whether it is medicine or engineering, civil Services or journalism, cinema or art, he said J&K youth are second to none and now with the coming in of multinational companies (MNCs) our boys and girls are occupying high positions as executives.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that time has come to find answer to this contradiction. “Is this because, for too long, we have got conditioned to depend on Government jobs but with the passage of time, on the one hand unemployment increased, on the other hand Government employability became less and less supportive”, he asked?
Dr Singh said, he had done a small exercise to identify young achievers from the State in different parts of the country, from Bengaluru to Delhi and from Mumbai to Kolkata and is trying to work out a mechanism to utilize experience and resources of these young achievers for the benefit of potential achievers who are still aspiring. May be a little more focus , a little more application of mind and a little more initiative could make the difference , he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said one important bottom line for lasting sources is to pick up a job which offers livelihood but which one also enjoys doing thus striking a delicate balance between aptitude and career without allowing aptitude to become an absolute casualty.
Dr Jitendra Singh noted that India is soon going to be the youngest nation of the world with over 70 percent of its population below the age of 35 years. In other words, this implies that India will be the youth reservoir or youth resource pool for the rest of the world and even the most developed nations of the world would seek the services of Indian youth because of the limited strength of their own youth potential. Futuristic approach, therefore, he said, expects those living in peripheral States like J&K and North East to prepare themselves to become essential members of the emerging India’s youth reservoir which will also be a stepping stone for India to become a world power.
Dr Singh offered to lend his resources, services and cooperation in whatever capacity possible in Delhi or erstwhile to help the promising youth from the State to groom themselves in their respective skill or talent. In this regard he also mentioned the need for skill development depending upon the requirement of time and place and citied the example of Skill Development Programme in land surveys and mapping which he had initiated for the youth form Doda district considering the fact that there were a number of employment opportunities for such a skill among the various hydro-electric and other projects coming up in the region.
Reiterating that Modi Government wants itself to connect with the aspirations of the youth, Dr Jitendra Singh said, the first step in this direction taken by the NDA Government at Centre was that it abolished the attestation of certificates by a Gazetted officer which was mandatory otherwise. “Our Government took a step that we trust the youth who has a capacity to make the self attestation of certificates.
He said another step taken by the Government at Centre is that we are going to change syllabus for IAS. He said abolishing of interview system for Government jobs is another achievement and it shows the concern of the present Government at Centre towards youth.
Dr Sing appealed the youth to attend the PM’s rally at Chanderkote in large numbers as Mr Modi is the youth icon. He said besides commissioning the Baglihar Hydro electric project at Chanderkote on November 7 Prime Minister will also address a mammoth rally there.
Dr Singh’s speech was followed by a question answer session in which the youth who had come from different parts of Jammu region put their questions which were answered by the Minister.
MLAs Ravinder Raina and Ajay Nanda were also present on the occasion. The programme was organized by Bharat Sharma while stage was conducted by Sanjeev Mahajan. Among others who attended the programme included Sanjeev Sharma, Ajay Pargal, Ishant Gupta, Rajat Mahajan, Ankush Gupta, Divinder Singh and Sanjay Parihar. The youth participants included doctors, technocrats, engineers and college going students.