Talk to other people also

B L Saraf
With the likely hood of an elected   Government coming to the helm in the state, identical to the formulation which existed till the sad demise of Mufti Mohammed  Sayead,  one  can  hope  that there  is a serious engagement of GO I with  all sections  of the JKian  society, in general, and that of Kashmir in particular.   BJP, as it appears, is  showing great earnestness in formation of the Government, so is the  PDP.  Activism  shown in this regard is well come, because we must have a political Government, sooner the better. Signs on the security front do not portend well . People, particularly in the Valley, are getting restive.
PDP, we are told,  is keen to have assurance that  there will be speedy implementation of the Agenda of Alliance, worked  out    between  Mufti Saheb and the central BJP leadership. That is  understandable. And  of late, the Central Government has been showing urgency in meeting  out some important points raised in  the Agenda of  Alliance-be it disbursing relief to the flood victims  or initiating process to establish AIIMS in the state   .More is in the pipe line, we are  informed. That is fine, but in our state there are certain issues  which go beyond money and economics,  and in the   political  lexicon  they are called  “ issues of alienation.”  Well no body can plead for  state’s alienation from India, but certain psychological  and emotional issues between the two need to be sorted out.
Intensity shown in   Government formation   must be replicated  in  addressing some aspirational issues of the people. There are other people who need   to be talked to. Some, who are in  relentless search for their missing near and dear ones and   those who roam in wilderness  displaced from their familiar environs-without address and  the  identity.
A considerate engagement with all the stake holders is called for. Apart from being a player in Government formation,   association with  PDP may help the Central Government in this regard, as it may open up a channel for such a dialogue. But  some  additional tributaries  need   to be built, lest the  only channel gets choked and becomes ineffective. Out of them one should lead to the “ alienated population “and some to the Hurriyat             (hard and soft included).
Past experience has shown us that in J&K Government formation cannot be taken as “be all and end all”. Government, of any hue,  will deliver, here,  if  it is taken as a significant step to smoothen the ruffed edges which  do not allow central and state relations to fit in a symmetrical  cog  of convergence.
Not discounting the mischief potential of the underlying  fault lines and  Pakistan’s  capacity to  make things go round, time appears to be opportune. India and Pakistan are talking to each other. There is a sign of thaw in the frozen relations, after the very unfortunate Pathankot episode.  Seemingly , Pakistan is rendering help to nab the culprits, who have admittedly come from that side of the border. Some pieces of vital intelligence  are being exchanged . India  has shown restraint in not allowing tempers  to run high. Internally too , Pakistan  looks  on the  way to mend. Otherwise who could have thought that the assassins of Sulman Taseer, ex- Governor    of Pak-Punjab, would be thrown to the gallows, especially, after he had received a rosy well come in the Lahore court, where he was produced  soon  after committing murder of the Governor.
For the Central Government to have talks with the  “alienated people” in the state and  make an attempt  to  bring  them onboard, when small talk is going on with Pakistan, will be of an added advantage. It will blunt some of the sharper arguments that Pakistan may  feel  obliged to  rake up while parroting Kashmir as its “core issue.”
There is no denying that in December 2014 large number of Kashmiris participated in Government making   decision.
The  separatists may say, as some mainstream parties do  say  ,that  this participation  was   for  addressing matters of Roti,  Kapda  and  Makkan,  and  not  for  resolving   the “ core “ issue.
One must remember that Government  formation  is for the  governance.  Governance is for addressing issues, both mundane and  those bordering on the aspirations. Provided, the aspirations have  territorial limits.
This is time for the separatists to  pause a bit and  see an     opportunity in the emerging situation. For their own credibility   and  to remove the distress of the people, there is an urgent need   for them to weigh  the situation carefully and act constructively.
They must condemn the       armed violence which, of late,  we  see on the rise in south Kashmir. The stubbornness has   limited value. Beyond a  point it becomes counterproductive.
Soon,  people will start asking questions about their “assumed “representative character.
(The author is Former Principal District & Session Judge).