Talks in JK only on Govt’s conditions, shunning of violence must for any engagement: Rawat

‘Many are engaging with Taliban for having peace. We should engage unconditionally to the extent of having a sense as to what is happening. India has contributed immensely for peace in Afghanistan and plans to do so.’ -General Bipin Rawat

NEW DELHI: A day after supporting talks with Taliban, Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat said the same approach cannot be applied to Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that talks and terror cannot go together and that any engagement with militant groups in the State will be strictly on the basis of conditions set by the Government.

The Army Chief also said that Pakistan’s hostilities towards India along the border in J&K have not come down after Imran Khan came to power, adding the Pakistani leader was only talking about peace and not doing anything to improve the situation on the ground.

Gen Rawat, addressing a press conference ahead of Army Day on January 15, also said over 300 terrorists are waiting along the border in Kashmir to infiltrate, but added his forces are ready foil their attempts. (AGENCIES)