Tangmarg Mini-Sectt

Six years ago in 2012, the foundation of a Mini-Secretariat in Tangmarg, District Baramulla was laid. The purpose was to save the people of District Baramulla from spending money and labour when pursuing their cases in various departments. In particular a Mini-Secretariat was supposed to serve the people in far flung areas of the district. Certainly a noble idea it was. Consequently, the blue print of the plan was prepared and the foundation was laid of a multi-storeyed building that would house all the departments that have branches in the district. It was going to be something like single window service. The entire project was estimated to cost nearly 45 crore rupees and 5 crore rupees were released as first instalment. The blank structure of two storeys came up and then the work stopped. Year after year the work remained suspended and the dream of the people that they would be saved of hassles could not materialize.
Deputy Commissioner of Baramulla conceded that the work on the construction of the building had to be stopped because there was no flow of funds and contractors would not proceed with investment without payments being made.It is enigmatic that on one hand the Government says that funding is no problem for the developmental projects for the State, and on the other the Tangmarg Mini Secretariat is the living example of the situation on the ground. Who makes the decision of declaring projects that have no assured financial support? The contractors cannot be blamed if they abandon the work half way. This is a serious question and the Government must explain to the people of the area why it has happened so.