Tarigami opposes decision on linking Anganwari wages to Panchayats

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 8: State president CITU Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami has said that the decision of the SAC to disburse honorarium to Anganwari Workers and Anganwari Helpers under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme through Gram Panchayats can pave way for corruption and harassment of the workers and helpers.
Supervision of Anganwari centers is done by the ICDS department and we don’t object the Coordination with Panchayati Raj Institutions in running the Anganwari centers. But the Panchayats must provide resources to the Anganwari centre like it is being done in Kerala, where they provide additional food, milk, eggs, toys, uniforms etc for children.
But here, instead of following that model, only monitoring part has been given to Panchayats. The salary to the Anganwari staff will be released only after the certification of the Panchayats which can lead to corruption and harassment of the workers and helpers. This was tried in many states, All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers/Helpers (AIFAWH) and Trade Unions objected to it and the decision was taken back.
He also referred to an incident of exploitation and sexual harassment of an Anganwadi worker recently by a Sarpanch in Rajouri. The lady finally lodged case against Sarpanch and he was arrested by Dharamsal police. He termed the SAC decision as wrong.