Task for Farooq Abdullah

B L Saraf
In what could, sadly, be described as an eminently forgettable election, Farooq Abdullah wrested Srinagar Parliamentary seat from his arch rival the PDP. Mayhem, death destruction and very low voter turnout marked the by-poll. While not detracting from his rather unimpeachable nationalistic credentials, unfortunately, Farooq did employ certain statements to win the election which bordered on soft separatism and turned calumnious on the security forces who faced a challenging task to maintain law and order. His campaign rhetoric had the tinge which could only gladden hearts of our ‘ friends ‘ sitting across the LOC .
Dr Abdullah in Union Parliament, we know for certain, will be a different man from what he has been out of it . Burden of parliamentary office will surely bring him to the ground realties. History tells us,  for Kashmir based politicians consistency hardly had any virtue. They take to double speak as duck takes to water, while alternating between treasury and opposition benches. It is time for Farooq, now, to use his position to concentrate on resolving what he calls a ‘ political issue,’ with the same polemical zest he displayed in the campaign and vehemence he went hammer and tongs against the GOI .
Farooq Abdullah  says  India must talk to Pakistan. Well said, indeed. We have seen it from day one that P M Modi is not averse to the talking . There is no harm to give it a retry . But it has become a tough proposition given that Pakistan too has struck a hard-line position, seen by the handing out a death penalty to an Indian national – Kulbhushan Yadav, following a kangaroo trial in an opaque military court . Proposition will remain hard to solve so long Pakistan’s India Policy remains in the hands of its military. For good relations both India and Pakistan have to make a move. But Pakistan must realize that its policy of sponsoring terrorism in Kashmir will evoke adequate response from this side . It is equally true that long term Indo-Pak relations will depend on how India adopts a strategy in Kashmir . That has to be a people friendly one. Effacing people from the consideration and concentrating only on holding territory will not be a wise thing to do.
Talking to Pakistan is a desirable thing . But there should be some idea of what it could be talked to. They are not going to settle for mere greater autonomy, strengthening of Art 370 or reiteration of 1952 Delhi accord which Dr Abdullah and NC have been stressing upon . Even separatists and their stone pelting brigade won’t be flattered by such things . We have seen how trade, people to people contact and cultural exchanges have proved incapable of bringing about even a semblance of normalcy in Indo-Pak relations, as to provide some relief to J&K .
Same, however, cannot be said about the tangled Kashmir equation. Given a thoughtful consideration at various governmental levels it could be unscrambled. It is time to admit that whatever happens elsewhere in the country, giving indications of majoritarianism and uncalled for vigilantism, inflamed tempers in Kashmir will get impacted . Reverse populism and counter mobilization which we have been witnessing in the valley, since 1980s, will get accentuated.
Though unpleasant, yet it needs to be mentioned here. The sympathizers of the separatists argue that present day protestors in the Valley are a product of 27 year long armed conflict which has conditioned them to face bullets and die for the cause they consider sacred . So, to them it is almost a lost cause for India . Well, death of any human being, particularly, of a young is a most painful thing to happen . In a civilized society and democratically governed state like India it must be avoided at any cost . But somebody has to tell these young boys that they are on a suicidal path . And if some claim to earn freedom on selling their deaths they only betray cruelty , insensitiveness and inhuman state of mind . Unfortunately, days are over when death would prick conscience , create empathy or revulsion anywhere. Because, day in and day out we see death dance everywhere . More so in our immediate neighborhood and beyond, choreographed by those very elements who seek to sell death of a Kashmiri youth to propagate a rabid brand of religious fanaticism . These merchants of death, who masquerade as emancipators in our part of the state, have demeaned life and brought down its price by killing innocent people in Darghas , Khankhas and other religious places, even in ‘ God’s own country ‘; that, now, world refuses to take notice of a death occurring anywhere . By the way, where do these rabid fanatics give time to a country to mourn or react to a death of people somewhere else when they see hundreds of dead bodies littered in their own fore ground – courtesy the very ‘warriors of the faith’.  Immunity cuts both ways .
But then India is not other country. We value life of every creature. That principle should guide the country while dealing with ” our own disgruntled youth,” . At times, youth in J &K can’t be faulted when they feel cheated by the political class who promise moon in an election campaign and, when in chair, do nothing except enjoying power and perks .
Here Dr Abdullah has a role cut out for him . Remember, he has won election on an electoral arithmetic but, certainly, he doesn’t have a general vote of confidence. Among other things to do, Farooq must work hard to salvage some influence, for mainstream politics, from the debris of what has happened in the Valley, over a period of time. He should counsel Kashmiri youth to exercise restrain while pressing for the genuine demand, and lend a helping hand to the State and the Central Governments in solving the ” political issue .” He must utilize his position as MP to do something for providing ” sadak, bijli and panni “to the people – promised much earlier, but not delivered, by him and his son when in CM’s seat  .
(The author is former Principal District & Sessions Judge)