Tax recovery will be main performance indicator: Rather

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, July 7: Saying that State’s economy largely depends on the performance of Commercial Taxes Department, the Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Abdul Rahim Rather today called for effective administration of Excise and Taxation laws which, he said is imperative for multiplication of tax revenue.
Reviewing the performance of Commercial Taxes Department, Kashmir Division at a high level meeting, Mr Rather urged for conducting regular administrative inspections with main thrust on recovery from the tax defaulters. He also called for maintaining the records properly, adding that punctuality of the staff should be ensured to redress the grievance of traders. He also directed for rigorously pursuing court cases so that recoveries are effected from the tax defaulters
“The status of court stay orders should be regularly monitored to get these vacated without delay”, Mr Rather said, adding that recovery of tax should be one of the main performances indicators of the officers of the department.
Mr Rather also stressed the need for strict discipline in rank and file of the C T Department, adding that good behaviour with dealers was imperative to ensure their good will.
The Budget cabinet has highly appreciated the performance of the Commercial Taxes Department, Mr Rather said, adding that there is vast scope for further improvements in its overall functioning. He asked the officers and field agencies of the department to work with much more responsibility as it was not possible to achieve the desired targets and objectives without their active cooperation and firm commitment
The Commissioner Excise and Taxation Department informed the meeting that 1971 inspections were conducted by the CTOs of Kashmir division during the last financial year, in which, 268 cases of violation of the provision of the VAT Act have been detected. He said that a penalty of Rs 36.50 lakh has been imposed on violators, out of which, Rs 25-53 lakh has already been recovered. The balance demand of penalty amounting to Rs 8.40 lakh is being counted.
The Principal Secretary, Finance, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Kifayat Rizvi, Special Secretary, Finance, Omkar Nath, Additional Commissioner, C.T., Rafiq Ahmed, Deputy Commissioner CT (HQ), Showkat Aijaz and the CTOs of the Kashmir division attended the meeting.