T&D losses

Refer news item ‘J&K yet to take seriously alarmingly high T&D losses’ DE Oct 26.
Unless power reforms are initiated on urgent basis, the State shall have to bear T&D losses. Sometime back, the Government embarked on checking power thefts by installing e-meters. After initial hype and hoola, the PDD has gone on silent mode. The e-metering process was taken half-heartedly by the Department. Some areas which were e-metered fully had been assured round the clock electricity. Initially, these colonies received electricity day in and day out. But with the passage of time, the e-metering process has gone awry.
People continue to steal electricity particularly the influential and well-to-do families. The burden of paying bills is shared only by law abiding citizens only and those who have no access to power corridors.
In case the PDD wants to arrest the situation, it certainly has to take corrective measures at the earliest. Otherwise the situation may worsen further particularly in summer season.
Yours etc…
Jaswant Rana