Teachers/Masters Association discusses various issues, demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 11: Jammu Kashmir Teachers/Master Association (JKTMA) organised monthly meeting under the chairmanship of UT president Rakesh Singh and discussed various issues of Teachers/Masters with emphasis on DPC of Teachers/Masters.
Singh made a strong appeal to Commissioner Secretary SED Dr Piyush Singla to expedite the process of DPC of Teachers/Masters to Lecturers before code of conduct as there is dearth of subject -specific Lecturers especially among Science stream in many Senior secondary schools particularly in rural areas.
Expressing serious concern over the alleged lackadaisical approach of Govt towards introducing subjects in Higher Secondary schools, Singh said that exercise for this was held many times but did not yield any result. He made a fervent appeal to Govt to introduce subjects at higher secondary schools and also sanction posts at Hanging HSS so that students can choose the subject combination as per their choice at their doorsteps.
While interacting with the media, Singh also urged to conduct DPC by 100 percent quota for one time exemption keeping in view State Administrative Council decision and also by excluding fake/illegal distance mode degrees in Science acquired through tuck shops/illegal study centres and also to initiate enquiry against all such previous Education Officers who granted undue promotion benefits to the distance mode degree holders in Science.
Singh also urged the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to enhance the pay grade of Teachers of JKUT at par with other UT teachers and make their entry pay level 4200.
Singh urged the Chief Electoral officer Jammu Kashmir and ECI to enhance the honorarium of BLOs @12000 per annum and provide them laptops in order to make the BLO institution strong.
Other demands raised by the association, included regularisation of SSA Head teachers post, free admission to students up to 8th class as per RTE act, no interruption of academic studies of students by unnecessary overburden extra-curricular activities, DPC of Master/Lecturers on basis of date of passing B Ed and PG degree instead of date of joining.